I have not written an article this year, but there hasn’t been a subject that just popped out at me to write about until now. I thank God for bringing Jeff Fleenor to us and now he is one of our Deacons. A servant of the Lord! I am just asking that you remember to respect our leaders and their decisions. They have some tough decisions to make sometimes and deserve our respect. I pray for our leaders and the work they do here at HCCC. Keep our Elders and Deacons in your prayers. I also thank God for my Church Family and the love they pour out for one another. If I did not thank you—I am doing so now. I thank each of the choir members for the Michael’s Gift Certificate given to me for Christmas. They all know that I crochet a lot, and even give my work out as gifts. The way that works—when I see colors that I like and colors that go together, I put them together in a pattern, crocheting afghans, pot holders, etc. In my crochet work, I may see you—so, you get whatever I make as a Christmas gift. My crochet speaks to me, somewhat, so that I know just who will get whatever I have created. This gives me joy! A God-given talent to share with you. In case I did not tell you, our Christmas cantata “Hope Has Hands” was awesome. Thank you Choir for such a wonderful cantata performance. You gave God all the glory and praise! We are working on three different upcoming events. March 18 th, is our “Friendship Day” at Hales Chapel. Bring a friend to church!! Our adult choir will have special music. We are also working on a special song for Easter. This year we will not be doing an Easter cantata, but just a song. No, I am not going to give you the names of the songs we will be doing. You must join us to hear those wonderful songs. I know you are going to like the one we will do on Friendship Day!! You think I forgot about the third event didn’t you? We have been invited once again to sing at Eastside Christian Church in Elizabethton for their Revival. We will be at Eastside on Monday, April 30 th. Choir—we need to be there at 6:30 p.m. I will remind you again later. We have been asked to sing from 6:45 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and then again during the service. This is also for Christ’s Reflections (our ladies trio) and Phoebe-Jo Garrison. Eastside really enjoyed us last year, so they wanted us back again. For those of you that do not know, Randle Johnson is the Minister at Eastside and he is a Timothy from Hales Chapel, not to mention, my cousin. We had a wonderful time last year with them at Eastside and we are looking forward to another wonderful time with them this year. Our adult choir will be very busy for the next few weeks! Don’t forget that we are hosting Highland Church of Christ on Wednesday, April 4 th for our Pre-Easter Service at 7:00 p.m. Highland will have the special music and Byron Paddock will have the message. Remember our Church Family in your prayers. Love in Christ, Jane Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you. (Hebrews 13:17) March 2012