Welcome to Sixth Grade Parent Night
Merton Schools Mission Statement The mission of Merton Schools is to meet the needs of the 2020 student by providing educational opportunities for students that: Utilize a variety of teaching styles Adapt our teaching to the different learning styles of our students Coordinate current technology into learning Emphasize strong relationships between staff, students, and the community
Academics Science Environments -Plant Kingdom -Animal Kingdom Landforms -Rocks & Minerals Social Studies Ancient Civilizations -Mesopotamia -Egypt -China -Greece -Rome -Middle Ages
Academics Math Everyday Mathematics Algebra Language Arts Prentice Hall Trade Books
Power Point Power Point (Parents) Power Point Writers Workshop Find a moment that inspires you. Notebooks are our portfolios of ideas.
Project Development Comparison Teacher presents facts and concepts. Students take notes and practice. Teacher gives a test to the students to assess learning. Teacher created project and rubric are given to students to complete. Universal theme or guiding question initiates project development Teachers and students design project to meet standards and assess learning Teachers and students acquire facts, develop knowledge and communicate results to a real life audience. Traditional: Project-Based Learning:
Example from Last Year Universal theme or guiding question initiates project development Teachers and students design project to meet standards and assess learning Teachers and students acquire facts, develop knowledge and communicate results to a real life audience. Health and Wellness: What is Important to Know? Wellness Fair Booth License: Standards + Plan to Complete a High Quality Booth Booth Development, construction and presentations at the Fair in June Merton Wellness Fair
What is Project Based Learning?
What doesn’t change? Standards Grade level Standard assessments Traditional tests Grades Direct instruction where appropriate Practice when needed
What is different? Teachers facilitate and assist students locate resources and learning targets. Learning is side by side—teacher and student. More collaboration between students More communication of learning More teacher collaboration and planning Project planning is day by day, not unit by unit. Planning needs to be responsive to the project.
21 st Century Skills Collaboration ◦ With students in our homeroom and other 6 th grade homerooms ◦ Older and younger students ◦ Students that do not attend Merton Communication ◦ Presentations to students, staff and community ◦ Blogs ◦ Website articles ◦ Interviewing mentors/experts ◦ Contacting sources inside and outside Merton Problem Solving Creativity 21 st Century Fluencies st Century Fluencies
Data will be collected from Achieve 3000 Level Set scores and MAP test scores Those who were in Select and Targeted groups last year will be given a QRI (Qualitative Reading Inventory) by our Reading Specialist, Brian Fleischmann MAP data will be ready at the end of September, at which time we will analyze the target skills and create groups. RtI time every day from 12:17-12:47 RtI
Mid September – Early October arrival Google Apps instruction in Tech Class to prepare for transition to Google Docs and Google Drive Chrome Books
Online Resources Everyday Math Scott Forsman Social Studies Achieve 3000 Foss Web Science Skyward Merton Community Schools Home Page Pearson Success Net
6 th Grade Homework Assignments not completed during class work time become homework. Merton School Board policy states that 6 th grade students will have an average of minutes of homework each evening. Due dates for tests and long term projects will be given in advance so students can plan accordingly. Make-up work/Board Policy
6 th Grade Homework In Skyward you will find grades with point values for each assignment and project that earned points. In addition, parents will find “no count” grades. This means the assignment was required practice for the class, but no points were assigned to the practice assignment. They are essentially check-in assignments.
6 th Grade Missing Assignment If an assignment is not complete and ready to hand in when it is due, the student needs to call a parent and let them know. The student takes the assignment home, shows it to their parent and explains this is the assignment I called home about. A parent needs to contact the teacher letting them know they are aware of the missing work. Initial or sign the assignment Send an
6 th Grade Missing Assignment The student brings the late assignment to their teacher the next morning If the student does not show it to their teacher the next morning, they need to report to lunch detention with Mr. Posick that day and finish the assignment. If the assignment still isn’t complete by the following day another lunch detention is needed and parents will be contacted.
Choir, Band and Study Hall Choir and Band meet on alternate days: Choir on Monday/Wednesday and Band on Tuesday/Thursday. They will alternate Fridays. Students not in Choir or Band have study hall Study hall is a quiet work time for students to complete homework and meet with individual teachers for help
Field Trips Medieval Times University of Wisconsin Engineering Expo Camp Minikani (Science Curriculum) Band-MSO Field Trip/Mitchell Park Domes Other field trips as they become available and pertain to our curriculum.
Thursday, November 8 th from 4-8:00 PM Tuesday, November 13 th, from 4-8:00 PM Parent / Teacher Conferences
Thank you for attending! We are looking forward to an outstanding year with you and your child.