12 th Grade Registration
What to keep in mind when registering for classes High school graduation requirements Plans after high school (including college admissions requirements) Interests and Abilities Always easier to drop a class for a prep period later (not as easy the other way around)
Resources that you can use to help with class selection Registration Manual (on-line) On-line resources that identify college admission criteria Parents or any other adults you trust and respect Teachers, Counselors, Coaches Other students
Registration Information Receive registration information and materials today (Feb. 2 nd ) – Please share with your parent/guardian Registration information is updated and posted on-line You will have about 2 weeks to review information and seek advice Course selections will be made on Tuesday, February 15 th There will not be a lot of time to ask questions that day, so ask your questions between now and then!
Graduation Requirements Class of 2012 Pass all required courses 4 credits English 3.5 credits Social 3.0 credits Math (including Statistics) 3.0 credits Science 1.0 credit PE.75 credit Health.25 credit Speech 1.0 credit Visual or Performing Art 23.5 TOTAL CREDITS Pass MCA/Grad Tests in Writing (9), Reading (10) and Math (11)
It is your ultimately your responsibility to track your own completion of the graduation requirements! (We are happy to help!)
Required Courses for 12 th grade 1.0 credit English English 12, Adv. Comp or AP Lit & Comp 1.0 credits Social Gov./Econ, Adv. Gov./Econ or AP US Gov. Other courses needed to satisfy graduation requirements or college admission requirements Math (including Statistics) Science (must include Biology) Fine Arts Foreign Language *Minimum of 6 credit earning courses each semester
Fine Arts Classes (Will satisfy the graduation requirement) ARTMUSIC THEATER & COMMUNICATION OTHER Drawing I, II*, III*, IV* Varsity Choir Intro. To Theater Creative Writing – English Art I Concert Choir* Acting for Stage & Screen Yearbook - Business Painting I*, II*, III* Symphonic Band* Adv. Acting & Film Production Photography – Industrial Tech Ceramics I*, II*, III* Wind Ensemble* Media Arts AP Drawing & Painting* News & TV I * AP 3D Art* News & TV II* Digital Art*
Elective Course Options Art – FINE ARTS Drawing I, II*, III*, IV* Art I Painting I*, II*, III* Ceramics I*, II*, III* AP Drawing and Painting* AP 3D Art* Digital Art*
Elective Course Options Business Intro to Business Computer Science Game Programming Adv. Game Programming* Web Design I Web Design II* Personal Money Management Accounting I Accounting II* Career Development Yearbook – FINE ARTS Intro. to Marketing Sports Marketing* Marketing I/DECA* Marketing II/Adv. DECA* Work Experience with Work Experience Lab*
Elective Course Options English Creative Writing – FINE ARTS Communication Arts – FINE ARTS Introduction to Theater Acting for Stage and Screen Adv. Acting and Film Production Media Arts News & TV I* News & TV II*
Elective Course Options Industrial Technology Intro to Tech. Wood Tech I, II*, III* Intro to CAD Drafting, Engineering*, Architecture* Photography – FINE ARTS Music – FINE ARTS Varsity Choir, Concert Choir* Symphonic Band*, Wind Ensemble*
Elective Course Options Physical Education -.5 credits in grades Team Sports Outdoor Adventures Rec. & Lifetime Skills Stay in the Game Body Shop I, II*, III*, IV* Strength & Conditioning I, II*, III*, IV*
Elective Course Options Social Studies Psychology Adv. Psychology* World Language Spanish I, II*, III* Hispanic Cultures* CIS Spanish I* CIS Spanish II* Mandarin Chinese I, II*, III*, IV*
Elective Course Options HS Teacher’s Assistant Student Prep Period A (S1) – no credit earned Student Prep Period B (S2) – no credit earned **Students may not have more than 1 SPP and 1 Teacher’s Assistant position each semester!
Elective course selections are only requests at this time! Each student will be asked to identify 3 alternate elective courses in case their first choice(s) are not possible.
ACT and SAT Registration ACT Test dates: April 9 th * June 11 th April 9 th at MWHS! School Code: Register on-line SAT Test dates: May 7 th June 4 th No SAT at MWHS School Code: Register on-line
Post-Secondary Planning Junior Year ACT/SAT testing Finish junior year with strong grades Continue to research options for after high school and begin to narrow down selection Senior Year College Application process Financial Aid Night – December Local Scholarships – February/March
Remember: Tuesday, February 15 th you will register for classes (14 circles on the worksheet) Sign up now for ACT/SAT tests (April 9 th ACT is at MWHS) Now is the time to be seriously thinking about and planning for your life after high school.