Registration Night Incoming 7 th and 8 th Graders
Office Staff Principals: Aaron Miller and Mary Jo Budzius Associate Principal: Tara Stone Counselors: Dru Klein (A – L) and Jayna Rubin (M -Z)
HelpEduc8 Lindsey Reitinger
7 th Grade Day Trimester 1Trimester 2Trimester 3 Math Science Language Arts Social Studies PE/Sports Rec./Yoga (may be waived with completed PE waiver form) Elective
8 th Grade Day Trimester 1Trimester 2Trimester 3 Math Science Language Arts Social Studies PE/Sports Rec/Yoga (may be waived with completed PE waiver form) Health (required)Elective
Fine Arts Information 2014/15 Seventh and Eighth grade students are required to complete their Fine Arts Requirement. The requirement includes at least two trimesters of a specific fine art over the course of their 7 th and 8 th grade years at IMS. Fine Arts Courses include: Band, Orchestra, Choir, Drama, and Visual Art. A Fine Arts Requirement Planning Sheet is available on the IMS website *Note: Student experiences in 6 th grade do NOT count towards this requirement.
Foreign Language Information 2014/15 IMS offers three Foreign Language options for 7 th and 8 th grade students: French, Mandarin Chinese, and Spanish. Only students who successfully completed a 7 th grade Language course are able to enroll in an 8 th grade Language Course. Students who successfully complete a Foreign Language sequence at IMS have the option of skipping the first year of that Foreign Language at MIHS. Starting language while at IMS can allow students the opportunity to advance to higher levels of language courses in high school. Note: About 60% of students choose to take a foreign language while at IMS.
Physical Education Requirement 2014/15 Physical education is a required trimester in 7 th and 8 th grade. Students may take PE/Sports Recreation and/or Yoga to complete this requirement. Students may choose to waive out of this physical education requirement due to participation in a directed athletic program outside of school. PE waiver forms are available for pick-up in the student office. These forms (purple) must have a parent signature and be turned in with the student registration form.
Additional Notes Student elective choices are the priority for the master schedule. In order to get your student to his/her elective choices, the period in which he/she has certain course may change throughout the year.
Sample Student Schedule Trimester 1Trimester 2Trimester 3 Language Arts (Teacher A) Social Studies (Teacher B) Language Arts (Teacher A) Math (Teacher C)Drama IScience (Teacher D) Spanish Science (Teacher D)Math (Teacher C) Media TechScience (Teacher D)Drama II
Resources to Meet Individual Student Needs ELL Program Focus Block Courses Highly Capable Program Mentor Program Special Education Courses Leveled Math Courses
Year-Long Electives 7 th Grade8 th Grade Band Choir Orchestra French Mandarin Chinese Spanish
Two Trimester Electives Art Series (Art 1 and 2) French 8 Mandarin Chinese 8 Spanish 8 Yearbook
Trimester Elective Choices Aerospace (no repeats) Art III (Ceramics) Art III (Drawing) Communications Creative Writing Debate (8 th graders only) Drama I (no repeats) Drama II Global Citizenship Leadership Marine Biology (no repeats) Media Technology (no repeats) P.E. Photo/Film/Music Sports Recreation Student Mentor (Application Required) Study Hall T.A. – Teacher/Library T.A. – Business Center T.A. – Office (8 th graders only) Video Game Programming (no repeats) WEB (8 th graders only) Yoga
Applications Applications are required for the following courses: Yearbook (white) Student Mentor (orange) These applications are available in the Student Office and should be completed and returned with the student’s registration form
Alternates are Important Please choose carefully when selecting “other possible electives” – Alternates are chosen by the computer when… A class is not offered due to lack of enrollment A class becomes full A class does not fit into a student’s schedule There is a strong chance that students may be enrolled in a class that they list as an alternate.
Registration Timeline March 3 and March 4: Registration Worksheet and Course Description Guides distributed to students. March 11: Registration Night for parents March 14: Registration Worksheets due March 17-21: Students register for classes using the completed Registration Worksheet March 31- April 11: Skyward Family Access open for parents to review course selections April 11: Deadline for parents to notify counselors of any registration errors
Registration Resources and Documents The following registration documents are also available on-line on the IMS web page Curriculum Guides Registration Worksheet Fine Arts Requirement Planning Sheet
Skyward Family Access For Skyward Password, call Mary Newcomer at the Mercer Island School District Office (206)
WEB (8 th graders only) The purpose of the WEB class is to develop a sense of school community by developing connections between the 6 th and 8 th grade students. Applications will be available on April 3 rd. Students who are interested in being a WEB leader, must sign up for the WEB class (exceptions apply for students with scheduling conflicts).
Remember… Student registration forms (and any accompanying waiver/application forms) are due on Friday, March 14 th Incoming 7 th graders turn in to LA/SS teachers Incoming 8 th graders turn in to Math teachers Information (including registration forms and curriculum guides) are available on the IMS website