Highlight the academic, social, as well as college and career planning opportunities at HHS. Look at grade level course requirements and class selection. Focus on 9 th grade information to help meet the specific unique needs of your teen.
SUBJECTCREDITS REQUIRED (TERMS REQUIRED) English (Language Arts) & Speech4 (8) English ½ (1) Speech Mathematics4 (8) Science3 (6) Social Studies3 (6) Fine/Practical or Vocational Arts1 (2) Physical Education ½ (1) Technology/Career Exploration ½ (1) Health ½ (1) ACT Prep & Career Preparation (pending Board approval) ½ (1) Electives – One (1) on-line course will be needed11 (22) For classes 2010 & Beyond The following requirements must be met to receive a Holland High School diploma :
English – 4 years required Math – 4 years required Biology/Physical Science – 3 years required History and Social Science - 3 years required; 1 year of American History and 1 year of World History is strongly recommended Foreign Language – 2 years required; 3 years strongly recommended Fine and Performing Arts – 2 years strongly recommended Computers – 1 year recommended
1 class =.5 credits 3 trimesters + 5 classes daily = 15 classes a year 15 classes = 7.5 credits earned each year.
Math English Social Studies Science Technology/Career Exploration
Each Student Chose 5 Electives 9th Grade Band (pg. 46) Concert Orchestra (pg. 47) Choir – Concert (Boys) (pg. 48) Choir – Treble (Girls) (pg. 47) *Health 1 (pg. 53) *Working on Wellness (pg. 53) *PE – PE A (pg. 59) PE B (pg. 59) PE C (pg. 60) Intro to Graphic Design (pg. 51)
Bolded classes are required sometime before students graduate. Foreign language is required for college. (You may take if you are getting an A or B in 8 th grade Communication Arts.) Band, choir, and orchestra require auditions.
Core classes are offered at different academic levels.
Extended Algebra 1 (3 trimesters) Algebra 1 (2 trimesters) Geometry (2 trimesters) Honors Geometry (2 trimesters) Algebra 2 or FST Pre-Calculus (2 trimesters) *For PATH students testing out of Algebra and Geometry
Extended English 9 (3 trimesters) English 9 (2 trimesters) Honors English 9 (2 trimesters)
Extended World History (3 trimesters) World History (2 trimesters) AP World History (Prior approval needed)
Extended Biology (3 trimesters) Biology (2 trimesters) AP Biology *For students who have taken PATH Biology and passed HHS Biology exam.
Hour1st Trimester 2nd Trimester 3 rd Trimester 1 st hour Algebra 1A Extended Algebra 1B Extended Algebra 1C Extended 2 nd hour English 9A Extended English 9B Extended English 9C Extended 3 rd hour Biology A Extended World History B Extended World History C Extended 4 th hour Transition Team 5 th hour World History A Extended Biology B Extended Biology C Extended
Hour1st Trimester 2nd Trimester 3 rd Trimester 1 st hour Algebra 1AAlgebra 1BIntro to Art 2 nd hour English 9BWorld History A English 9A 3 rd hour Biology APhysical Education World History B 4 th hour 9 th Grade Band 5 th hour Technology/ Career Exploration HealthBiology B
ELL Special Education 9 th Grade Transition Academy AP Academy (2 honors classes freshmen year.) Operation Graduation Summer School for Pre- Algebra Study Tables at Lunch
Beginning with the Class of 2009, all AP courses will be based on a 5 point honor scale. 4.0 Honor Scale 5.0 Honor Scale (AP Classes Only) A = 4 A = 5 B = 3 B = 4 C = 2 C = 3 D = 1 D = 2 E = 0 E = 0
February 2 nd thru March 2 nd - Parents may contact 9/10 counselors with questions and changes for student schedules. IEPs for special education students always override preliminary schedule.
F I A Ninth Graders Want: Freedom Independence Attitude and... Ninth Graders Need: Family Inclusion Affection/Acceptance
Parents/Family Friends/Media School/Other Adults Research shows that parents still have by far the most influence in the lives of their teens.
Holland High School website Teacher voic & Get to know your student’s school counselor Academic Boosters Club (ABC)
Meet with your counselor to plan out your 4 year course schedule. Ask both counselors and teachers to keep you informed of any special programs or extracurricular activities that are available. Make a list of academic & personal goals. Get to know your teachers, so they get to know you. (At some point you may need recommendations for scholarships and college recommendations.)
Keep your eyes open for cool activities or opportunities such as: summer programs, camps, academic or athletic contest. Start thinking about scholarship opportunities. Keep a paper file of information together – awards, experiences, special projects, volunteer hours, etc. Find ways to volunteer.
When to Begin What To Do How To Do It Freshmen and sophomore year Become familiar with college entrance requirements and career exploration activities. Work with parents, teachers, and counselors to create a four-year high school curriculum plan to satisfy your goals. This is a good resource to help explore & prepare!
9 th Grade – MEAP Social Studies Test 10 th Grade - PLAN (Pre-ACT) 11 th Grade – PSAT, ASVAB, and MME, (Michigan Merit Exam), which includes the ACT
Career Line Tech Center Community Classroom Coop Advanced Placement Classes (College Credit)
Organize all your son or daughter’s information in their EDP, (Education Development Plan) found in Username: Holland Password: Dutch
“The good thing about being a freshmen is that all your choices are in front of you... you just have to make the right ones.”
Academic Challenge Amnesty International Band Close-Up Dutch Dance Fellowship of Christian Athletes Rocketry Team Theater US First Robotics
All 8 th grade students are eligible for sports. Some sports begin practice in the summer. After first trimester grades, students are only eligible if they pass 4 out of 5 classes. If a student receives 2 E’s, they many not compete for 90 school days.
We look forward to getting to know your student and encourage your continued involvement! Sue Hemmeke (A-L) Tonia Lans (A-L) Sue Williams (M-Z)