Handel’s Father recognized his music ability but never really did much to help him nourish it. As a Boy Handel would have to sneak his keyboard upstairs with him so that he could practice. Handel studied music as a boy with Wilhelm Zachow
Born Nov. 14, 1663 in Leipzig, Germany Died August 2, 1712 in Halle, Germany Wilhelm taught Handel Violin Organ Harpsichord Oboe How to compose Handel Practiced with Wilhelm in the Liebfrauen kirche
Handel Left Hamburg and went to Italy in 1706 Performed his first Italian opera (Rodrigo) in October Handel left Italy for the winter of 1707 to produce his two oratorios, Florindo and Daphne. Later returning to Rome to direct his oratorio La Resurrezione.
February 1710 Handel returned to Germany, and is appointed Kapellmeister to the Elector of Hannover. Kapellmeister is a German word designating a person in charge of music-making. He completed the cantata Apollo e Dafne which he had begun in Italy.
In the Autumn of 1710 Handel left Hannover and traveled to England via Holland. Handel’s 1711 opera Rinaldo was very appealing to the English audiences.
Handel suffered from a stroke that caused temporary paralysis in his right arm. He lost some mental faculties, and became blind in his old age. Despite his difficulties he continued composing until the day he died. George Friedrich Handel Died April 14, 1759 Memoir Statue, Halle Germany
Oratorio of Christ’s Life and Death (hallelujah Chorus) Oratorio Judas Maccabeus Orchestral Water music Royal Fireworks music
This is one of Handel’s most popular choruses from the oratorio of Christ’s life and Death. It is commonly performed at Christmas time. Composed in London during the summer of 1741 and premiered in Dublin, Ireland on 13 April 1742
The first performance was in Covent Garden, April It became one of Handel’s most famous oratorio’s, being second only to “Messiah”. This oratorio consists of 3 acts.
Handel’s collection of orchestral movements often called 3 suites. Premiered July 17, 1717, when King George I requested a concert on the river Thames. 50 musicians performed on a barge near the royal barge, where the King and close friends could listen. The instruments required for a complete performance are a flute, two oboes, one bassoon, two horns, two trumpets, strings, and continuo.