Parent Information Night 2014 Robinson Junior High Parent Information Night 2014
Administrative team Principal—David Wrzesinski Assistant Principal—Jody Flowers Counselor—Brianna Mink Office Staff—Jennifer Sanchez, Ravon Morgan, Angela Bettinger, and Shelley Welch
Goals for Tonight Get information for academic decision making Get information for elective decision making Discuss the transition to middle school
Academic Classes 6th graders: 7th graders: 8th graders: English (or Honors English) Reading Math (or Algebra I) Math (or Accelerated Math) Earth Science American History Science Life Science Technology Applications & Career Explorations (1 semester each) Social Studies Texas History
Accelerated math More rigorous in content and pace Students will be responsible for a heavier workload Curriculum and instruction for accelerated math courses will be compacted. Grade 6 students receive instruction in grade 6 & the majority of grade 7 standards. Grade 7 students receive instruction in the remaining grade 7 standards as well as all grade 8 standards. Grade 8 students receive instruction in Algebra I. Students earn high school credit for this course. If they pass the course, they may not re-take the course in high school since they will have already earned credit for the course on his/her high school transcript.
Math Curriculum Sequence Grade Core Advanced 6th 6th Grade TEKS 6th and 7th Grade TEKS 7th 7th Grade TEKS 7th and 8th Grade TEKS 8th 8th Grade TEKS Algebra I 9th Algebra I or Honors Algebra I Geometry or Honors Geometry 10th Algebra II or Honors Algebra II 11th Algebra II, Honors Algebra II, or Math Models Pre-Calculus 12th Pre-Calculus or Algebra II Dual Credit Calculus, Advanced Quantitative Reasoning, or Engineering Math
Advanced math criteria At least 3 of the 4 following criteria: 1. MSTAR (Middle School Students in Texas Algebra Ready)-The content of the MSTAR Universal Screener is based on algebra-readiness skills. Recommended score of 300 or higher 2. Current overall average in math for the 2013-2014 school year Recommended: average of 90% for grade 5 or 6; average of 85% for current accelerated math students in grade 7 3. STAAR 2014 Math – Level III Advanced 4. Teacher Recommendation – We highly recommend that you contact your child’s math teacher regarding the appropriate placement for your child.
New math standards 2014-2015—new math TEKS (standards) The number of standards moving from grade to grade including Algebra I standards to 8th grade math are already more rigorous. More than 56 standards moved to new grade levels in 6-8 as well as many completely new learning standards. Please make a careful decision when choosing for your child to accelerate through math content. Grade 6-8 math is foundational for future success in high school math courses.
Honors English Task oriented, proficient readers, able to prioritize their time and have parental support. Content immersion, a fast pace, and performance assessed at the analysis and syntheses levels. Honors students are expected to maintain a minimum average of 80 each 6 weeks.
Accelerated Math / honors English Responsibility Profile Willing to work hard High degree of self-discipline Strong motivation to learn Completes assignments on time Conscientious Well organized Seeks help when needed Eagerly accepts a challenge
STAAR* Testing at Junior high Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade Reading Math Writing Science Social Studies *Alg I students only: Alg I EOC *State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness
electives 6th: 1 elective: Art, Band, Choir, or Technology Applications 1 PE: Wellness PE or Competition PE 7th: 1 elective: Agriculture, Art, Band, Cabinetry & Millwork, Choir, Technology Applications 1 PE: Athletics, Wellness PE, Tennis, Outdoor Recreation, or Dance 8th: 2 electives: Agriculture, Art, Band, Cabinetry & Millwork, Choir, Athletics, Dance, Outdoor Recreation, or Tennis
3rd period (40 minutes) Plus period built into the day for Enrichment or STAAR Intervention Enrichment 6th: Study Skills & Technology 7th & 8th: Gifted & Talented Robotics Applied Band Journalism Study Hall Advanced Dance Mock Trial Theatre Archery Photography Video Announcements Battle of the Books Creative Writing Problem Solvers Programming Yearbook
Gifted & talented To nominate your child for GT, packets are available from your school counselor GT students will be clustered with 4-5 other GT students for core class 3rd period Enrichment: GT students will be in a pull out GT class 6 weeks projects including: Philosophy Forensic Science Critical Thinking/Problem Solving DAR Essay Contest
Typical 6th Grade Day School Day: 8:00 am – 3:30 pm English Language Arts—50 minutes Reading—50 minutes Math – 50 minutes Science – 50 minutes per day Social Studies – 50 minutes per day 3rd Period—Team & Enrichment—40 minutes per day Physical Education – 50 minutes per day Lunch – 30 minutes per day Elective – 50 minutes per day
What’s New For Students? Lockers Changing classes Four minute passing periods Cafeteria – Can choose where they sit Pep Rallies
Course choice sheets 5th grade students received forms on 3/4 Forms are due to students’ home room teachers on Friday, March 21st Parent & student signature is required on form Carefully consider your choices 6th & 7th grade students will receive their sheets next week: 3/25 & 3/27 8th graders must have a parent, student, counselor meeting: Tues 3/25 & Thurs 3/27 5:30-7:30pm and Wed. 3/26 7:30-4:00
Parent Information Web Site: 6 week newsletter – sent with report card Progress Reports (3 weeks) and Report cards (6 weeks) Student Planners Parent Portal Schoology Remind 101
Preparing for the First Day of School Meet the Teach Night before school: Pickup schedules Meet their teachers Learn the building Meet the front office staff, counselor, principals, etc. Ask questions! Final date will be posted on the school website, and advertised on the school marquee.
Please let me know if you have any questions! THANK YOU FOR COMING! Please let me know if you have any questions! or 254-662-3643