WHAT MAKES FORM 7a HAPPY? by Form 7a&Inese Reisa eTwinning projectWhat makes me happy Public link to this TwinSpace: twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p104312http://new- twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p104312
Picture of our class 2014 by Mārtiņš Zvagulis The first row left: Gatis Dvilaitis; Mārtiņš Zvagulis; Toms Arnis Šteinbergs. The second row left: Paula Ķirse; Diāna Zeiferte; Kristiāna Rozentāle; Kristiana Kovaļevska; Melānija Maurere. The third row left: Kristaps Bērziņš; Kristiāns Stepe; Aiva Krušinska; Andris Firsovs; Artūrs Cīrulis; Benita Baumane; Paula Roslaviča; Krista Laima Frāma; Estere Hofmane; Viktorija Bosjanoka.
What do we like? by Estere Ciekale Paula Ķ. - friends, shopping, chocolate, dancing and family. Estere C. - shopping, chocolate, sport, dance, family and friends. Diāna – interesting people. Estere H. - friends and family. Mārtiņš V. - Recess. Toms – eating and sleeping. Mārtiņš Z. - Sport, futball and bed. Krista – books and sleeping.
Our Favorite Lessons by Mārtiņš Vilnītis Mārtiņš Z. - PE Viktorija - Handicraft Toms - PE Estere H. - PE, Math, Music and Handicraft Estere C. - PE, Math, Art and Handicraft Paulas R. - Biology Paulas Ķ. - Math Diana - PE Mārtiņš V. - PE Krista - Biology
Our Hobbies by Krista Frāma Estere H. - drawing, dancing, singing. Viktorija has no special hobby, she likes to be with her friends. Krista – book reading, singing. Paula R. - drawing, coking. Estere C. - dancing, athletics, volleyball. Paula Ķ. - swimming, skating. Toms – fishing. Mārtiņš Z. – fishing. Mārtiņš V. – fishing. Diāna – fashion.
We like DRAMA! by Toms Šteinbergs We like drama! We have acted different plays in our class. The last was ‘’The Little Prince’’ by A.de Saint Exupery.
We are ANIMAL LOVERS! by Viktorija Bosjānoka Krista Frāma has a dog and cat. Estere Hofmane has one cat. Martins Vilnitis has a cat and a dog. Toms Steinberg has three dogs. Martins Zvagulis doesn’t have pets, but he would like to have a dog. Diana Zeiferte has a dog. Estere Ciekale has a cat. Paula Kirse has a cat.
Our Afterschool Activities by Estere Hofmane Viktorija Bosjanoka – has not a special after school activity, but she like to be together with her friends and family. Mārtiņš Vilnītis – lives in cpontryside and has a lot home chores. Toms Arnis Šteinbergs – has not a special afterschool activity, bit he likes drama – to watch and to act. Diana Zeiferte - sings in the school choir. Estere Ciekale – does gymnastic. Māriņš Zvagulis – drama. Paula Ķirse – sings in the school choir. Krista Laima Frāma – E. Vīgnera Music School, sings in the school choir and is involved in the school eco-club ‘’Nature Friends’’. Estere Hofmane - fashion and music studio "Mona“, sings in the school choir and is involved in the school eco-club ‘’Nature Friends’’. Paula Rosleviča – Equestrian training and is involved in the school eco-club ‘’Nature Friends’’.
Our Future Professions by Paula Rosleviča Krista – a stylist Paula.K – a fashion designer Estere.H – a doctor Estere.C – a fashion designer Viktorija – a polititican Mārtiņš Z - a journalist MārtiņšV - a programmer Toms – an actor I – a vet
We support charity – CONCERT IN THE RETIREMENTHOME “Venta’’ by Inese Reisa
Anthem of Secondary School Nr. 2 Lyric: Agita Grāvere-Prenclava, Ēvalds Druvietis Music: Jana Paipa Sings the school choir: Iededz savus sapņus austošajā saulē, Baltai dienai lai tie pāri spoži kvēl. Atstāj savu domu skolas solā mazā, Lai tev nekļūst sava mūža žēl. Jūnijs tavos matos jasmīnziedus ber, Ventas viļņos šupos smaržu pilnais maijs. Gaišas atmiņas vēl mīlestību sēj, Varavīksnes tiltā vasara vēl smej. Piedziedājums: Kad pie skolas sliekšņa atkal stāvam kopā, Bērnība ar mums tad pļavā ziedus plūks. Nogurušās kājas meklēs tēva mājas, Skolas rītu zvani skanēs dvēselē. Kad šis jaukais skolas zvans mūs kopā sauc, Bij’ daudz cerību un prieka atrast ļauts. Mazais skolas zvans arvien vēl atmiņā, Mūsu skola tu – vislabāka!