-Rezekne is located 242 km from the state capital Riga citizens -8 Secondary Schools Riga Rezekne !
Rezekne Secondary School Nr pupils ( grade)
Wide variety of amateur groups Music: 4 choirs Accordion ensemble Guitarist ensemble Instrumental ensemble Folk music choir Choirs and accordion ensemble are frequentative winners of state competitions and active participants in the cultural events in the city and abroad.
Motion: 3 dance groups Theatre group
We offer: Our school highly appreciates Latvian traditions and tries to preserve and develop them in co-operation with local craftsmen:
Michel’s Day –harvest Martins Day St. John’s day Christmas Latvian birthday etc. Join us and explore Latvian culture!
Our European Projects: European Youth Parliament “Youth in Action”
See You in Latvia, Rezekne! Project co-ordinators Iveta Gaile Marina Bolotina