St Monica School Notes on Secondary School Certificate and Profile (SSC&P)
Sec. School Certificate & Profile Information about the student (name, address, Information about the student (name, address, date of birth, ID No.) Attendance Attendance Formal education (for Forms 1 – 5) Formal education (for Forms 1 – 5) Non-Formal Education Non-Formal Education Informal Education Informal Education Personal Qualities Personal Qualities Additional comments Additional comments
Attendance A student is considered to have an acceptable attendance record if she has attended at least 85% of school days during each of the 5 years of her Secondary Education, in line with policy direction in Malta and within the EU. Exception to this clause is applicable in the case of a student who is absent due to ill health with valid medical certification.
Formal Education Record of Student’s achievement in school: Assessment of each subject by teacher in Assessment of each subject by teacher in Forms 1 – 5 Forms 1 – 5 Annual Exam mark for each subject in Annual Exam mark for each subject in Forms 1 – 5 Level of Achievement – Level Two, One, or No Level (Track 3,2,1) Level of Achievement – Level Two, One, or No Level (Track 3,2,1)
Non Formal Education This refers to activities held at school outside the set curriculum but during the scholastic year. Examples:Student Council; EkoSkola; Choir; Drama; After school seminars; Sports Activities; Participation in Festa Familja; Science Club; Guitar Club; Vocation Centre; GMJC; Live-In; Cookery Club; Extra-Curricular Activities; Competitions; Exhibitions, Debates, Concerts etc. Students are responsible for the relevant form
Informal Education Activities happening after school hours Activities happening after school hours In institutions / organizations outside school In institutions / organizations outside school eg Religious, Cultural, Philanthropic Re Informal Learning, school rules over-ride every other consideration e.g. School will not allow extravagantly dyed hair or nail art used for Modelling Re Informal Learning, school rules over-ride every other consideration e.g. School will not allow extravagantly dyed hair or nail art used for Modelling Providers of Informal Activities must be registered by the NCFHE. This can be done online on Providers of Informal Activities must be registered by the NCFHE. This can be done online on and it is free of charge.
Informal & Non-Formal Concessions per year Secondary school ending in... In September 2013, students will be in... Number of required Informal activities Number of required non-formal activities Timeframes 2014Form 522 at least in 2 separate years BUT.....* 2015Form 433at least in 3 separate years 2016Form 334at least in 4 separate years 2017Form 235at least in 5 separate years 2018Form 135at least in 5 separate years * form 5 students can carry out 2 different informal activities in form 5
Personal Qualities Leadership Leadership Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Sense of respect Sense of respect Adherence to regulations Adherence to regulations Altruism Altruism Teamwork Teamwork Communicative Skills Communicative Skills Sense of responsibility Sense of responsibility Creativity & Initiative Creativity & Initiative Diligence & Smartness Diligence & Smartness NB 5 Qualities to be chosen each year
SSC&P Level For a Certificate at Level 1 or Level 2 to be issued, the student must have an attendance level of at least 85% per year and the necessary skills in basic Literacy and Mathematics. For a Certificate at Level 1 or Level 2 to be issued, the student must have an attendance level of at least 85% per year and the necessary skills in basic Literacy and Mathematics. The SSC&P will be raised from Level 1 to level 2 of the MQF for all students provided they fulfil the necessary criteria. The SSC&P will be raised from Level 1 to level 2 of the MQF for all students provided they fulfil the necessary criteria. Students who do not satisfy the criteria will be entitled to a certificate (no level) indicating that they have completed their Secondary Education – this certificate will not be endorsed by the National Commission for Further & Higher Education. Students who do not satisfy the criteria will be entitled to a certificate (no level) indicating that they have completed their Secondary Education – this certificate will not be endorsed by the National Commission for Further & Higher Education.