Overcoming Organisational Barriers
Workshop Aim To identify current and perceived barriers to work across agency and geographical boundaries Share and receive feedback on effective ways to overcome these barriers Provide Pathfinders with an overview of the types of support available, from the Mott MacDonald Support Team, peer groups and VCS, to overcome these and other areas of Pathfinder challenge
Input from workshop attendee’s What barriers do you perceive? Geographical Issues Sharing Data – confidentially, differing systems Sharing budgets across different budget holders Impact of decisions by one agency on another Different understanding and use of language and what this means to different organisations Differing professional objectives Different criteria across Authorities and PCTs Lack of shared understanding of what is available Assessment frameworks – different across organisations Differences across children and adults (transitions) Different implementation and interpretation of legislation Different protocol and processes across organisations
Input from workshop attendee’s How could we overcome them? Clear guidance Joint needs assessment for children Aligning budgets and decisions Local champions Lead member on Council involved and engaged, senior leadership, reduce red-tape blocks – ‘working together for change’. Facilitate better communications Encourage parent participation from the outset and throughout the process, ensuring it is supported. Encourage VCS participation from the outset and throughout the process Focus on outcomes Understand economies of scale Encourage pupils and children voice from the outset and throughout the process 0-25 service to remove sharp transition Use best practice and where it has worked e.g. aiming high, parent forums Balance of localism / nationalism Importance of involving families from the outset and throughout the process
Types of support Sharing learning between pathfinders Facilitation Brokering Specialist Advice Organisational, process and system design Project management Interim management