Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education Start Time: 3:45 Stop Time: 4:10 Objective: By the end of this session, participants will Present Implementation Plan that addresses learning goals from the Maryland Voluntary State Curriculum, the role of the general and special educators, instructional accommodations, and lesson ideas. Define Universal Design for Learning and explain how it impacts daily instructional practices. Reflect on course content and future application of information learned. Special Directions: 1.Sit with your team. 2.Gather materials for your GLOBE Implementation Presentation: GLOBE Implementation Plan, Teacher Sample, and Student Sample. Set-up Directions
Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education GLOBE Implementation Presentation Within your teams present, your GLOBE Implementation Plan, Teacher Sample, and Student Sample. Highlight the Key Concept, Challenge Question, and Big Ideas. Explain what accommodations and collaboration models were implemented. As you listen to your teammates, complete the feedback sheets. Select one team member to share with the whole group.
Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education Universal Design for Learning Success Strategies in the Inclusive Classroom Module 3
Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education What is Universal Design for Learning? UDL refers to the flexible methods and materials used for instructing diverse learners. It is built on the premise that in every classroom differentiated instruction is needed to support not only students with disabilities but every learners’ needs. It focuses on the limitations of the curriculum rather than the presumed limitations of the students. UDL minimizes barriers and maximizes access.
Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education Where did UDL come from? UDL was inspired by the universal design movement in architecture. Universal design anticipates the needs of individuals with disabilities and accommodates these needs from the outset.
Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education Benefits of Universal Design for Learning In the long run, “it is more efficient and cost effective to consider and address the diverse range of user needs during the design process, rather than as an adaptation after the fact.” -- L. Schleff, Western Washington University Universally designed structures benefit all users. Example: Curb Cuts Curb cuts facilitate travel for individuals in wheelchairs, but they also assist people with strollers and dollies.
Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education Applying Universal Design in the Classroom Potential Barrier: Traditional print materials can exclude students with reading difficulties and visual impairments from accessing information vital to their educational progress. Maximizing Access: Universally designed curricula allow students to access information via multiple media and forms. Students’ needs are considered and accommodated from the outset.
Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education Principles of Universal Design for Learning Multiple means of presentation —providing flexible methods for representing information to learners Multiple means of expression — providing flexible methods for learners to demonstrate knowledge Multiple means of engagement — providing flexible ways to engage students based on their learning preferences and abilities
Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education Multiple Means of Presentation During instruction, Provide multiple examples, Highlight critical features, Provide multiple media and formats, Support background context and develop prior knowledge.
Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education Multiple Means of Expression Consider response accommodations that Provide flexible models of skilled performance, Provide opportunities to practice with supports, Provide ongoing and relevant feedback, And offer flexible opportunities for demonstrating skill.
Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education Multiple Means of Engagement To support diverse learners, Offer choices of context and tools, Offer adjustable levels of challenge, Offer choices of learning context, And offer choices of rewards.
Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education Team Activity 1.Think about how you have accommodated for the needs of diverse learners. 2.Use the Universal Design for Learning graphic organizer to record classroom examples of multiple means of presentation, expression, and engagement. 3.Write a definition for Universal Design for Learning. 4.Be prepared to share your organizer with the whole group.
Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education Wrap Up: Inside – Outside Circle 1.During this course experience, how has your comfort level with implementing instructional accommodations developed? 2.How have your views on collaboration changed? 3.Name one aspect about your daily instructional practices that you now do differently.
Johns Hopkins University Center for Technology in Education Resources Differentiated Instruction and Implication for UDL Implementation. Retrieved from Assistive Technology, Universal Design, Universal Design for Learning: Improved Learning Opportunities. Retrieved from Jorgensen, C.M. (1997). Curriculum and Its Impact on Inclusion and Achievement of Students with Disabilities. Consortium on Inclusive Practices Issue Brief 2 (2). McLane, K. & Orkwis, R. (1998). A Curriculum Every Student Can Use: Design Principles for Student Access. Office of Special Education Programs and the U.S. Department of Special Education Contract RR