Coping with the Challenges of Compiling an Edited Text Alan Fyall Head of Research, School of Services Management
Common Issues (I) Harder than writing a book on your own Often sell less with markets harder to target - is there a need? Think market - competition - complementary texts - teaching/research focus - commercial interest Think ‘coherent’ book rather than a ‘collection’ of chapters Careful choice of publisher Verification of exact requirements of publisher
Common Issues (II) Determine ‘house style’ at the outset - contributors’ brief Set a strict word limit State your understanding of editor’s role Allow time for re-drafting and late arrivals Avoid ‘elastic band’ editing Select contributors with care Bigger the name - bigger the problems Ideally get contributors to meet at the beginning - possibly at a conference Late arrivals are often the best Avoid editorial overkill - edited text is all about a mix of views
Common Issues (III) Be prepared to write a chapter at the very last minute Required to take tough and unpopular decisions Work to deadline - maintain currency of text Maintain constant dialogue with contributors Keep them abreast of developments Be pedantic over cover image, reviewers and marketing strategies - don’t rely on publisher!
The Contributors’ Brief Market Chapter structure Case study structure Editors Deadlines and contact details Circulate all abstracts to all contributors Introduction to ‘Parts’ include summary of key themes and issues to be addressed themes and issues will contribute to writing of conclusion
Final Thoughts Publisher’s ‘Instructions for Authors’ Time required Agreement between authors as to who does what … including author order!! Agree reference style at the outset Indexing Maintain contact details and all correspondence!!