Kansas Learning Collaborative Lessons Learned in 2009 Edie Snethen Kansas Association of Local Health Departments MLC-3 Meeting- February 3-5, 2010, Kansas City Kansas MLC-3 Project Management Team Kansas Health Institute Kansas Dept. of Health & Environment University of Kansas AHEC KALHD
Kansas MLC-3 Learning Collaborative Improving Access to Prenatal Care Project Participants Lower SE 8 Regional Team NE Corner Sub- Regional Team Family Health WIC Local Health Vital Statistics Primary Care Health Disparities Farm Worker, Ref. KDHE Agency Team
Project Management Team’s Expanded Focus QI Tools MCH Subject & Data
Learning Collaborative Experience MLC-3 Project Team Observation Feedback from Teams
Project Management Team’s Expanded Focus QI Tools Team Support MCH Subject & Data
Team Leader Challenges Delegating work and authority (do not have to do it all themselves) Working across lines- horizontal management Peer counties within the region Peer bureaus within the department Busy schedules of team members Maintaining enthusiasm for the project Strengthening working relationships- building upon past successes Team Support Lessons Learned
Team Support Lessons Learned Team Leader Training 2009 Team leader identified in team proposal Leader training provided at the first learning session Team leaders asked for feedback on experiences in leading from remote locations and were provided some additional resource material Team leader identified in team proposal One day session for team leader training held in advance of the first learning session Invite 2009 team leaders to leader training session to share their insights Provide team leaders with early exposure to QI Tools, and project forms/reports 2010
Team Challenges Resistance to Change Change StyleProcess Collaborative The target population are engaged in the change process, typically through cascading workshops or meetings. They will be kept up to date on the issues. Their views will be actively sought and acted upon. Feedback will demonstrate how their input has been acted upon Consultative The target population is informed about the changes and their views are sought. Directive The workforce is informed about the changes and why those changes are important. Coercive The workforce is told that they must obey the new instructions Team Support Lessons Learned
Team Challenges Resistance to Change Team Support Lessons Learned
Team Challenges Resistance to Change 2009 Team guidance did not address this issue at the outset Focus teams on change within their own work flows 2010 Team Support Lessons Learned
Team Challenges Logistics Logistics is the management of the flow of goods, information and other resources, including energy and people, between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements of consumers Team Support Lessons Learned
Team Challenges Logistics 2009 Logistical Support T raining session on dynamics of leading discussions and team efforts from remote locations via conference calls On-line virtual story boards posted on KALHD website VYEW- on-line white board Additional site visits to mini-collaborative teams by Project Management Team Team Support Lessons Learned
Web Based Team Support Virtual Story Board
Web Based Team Support On-line white board
On-line white board Web-based team support
Team Challenges Logistics 2010 place where team members can post messages and documents ease of use and training important list serve process often inadequate due to over loaded inboxes of team members Team Support Lessons Learned
Team Challenges Technical Assistance from Project Management Team 2009 Monthly conference calls with Project Management Team and each Regional/State Team 2010 Improve call preparation…. Teams post work on virtual story board in advance of call Project Management Team will review posted material in advance of call and offer timely feedback specific to work of team Team Support Lessons Learned
Summary of Lessons Learned 2009 Kansas Learning Collaborative Strengthening Team Support Expand Team Leader Training Team Boundaries Defined Strengthen logistical support Strengthen Technical assistance from Project Management Team