Www.economicsnetwork.ac.uk www.economics.ltsn.ac.uk Elements of Module/Unit Design Rebecca Taylor Head of Department, Nottingham Trent University Associate.


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Presentation transcript:

Elements of Module/Unit Design Rebecca Taylor Head of Department, Nottingham Trent University Associate Director, Economics Network

Factors to consider in designing a module Learning objectives: subject-specific and generic knowledge –Assessment –Module delivery –References –Be specific about what you want students to learn –How it maps on to other courses Staffing Methods by which learning objectives will be achieved Option –Will students choose it? –How does it fit in with other modules? Background of students Resources (books, etc.) Is there a previous course to build on? How long? Balance of lectures, seminars, workshops, etc. How to give feedback to students Don’t overload with material: be selective

QAA Benchmarks Modules/Units should: –Provide in depth knowledge of economics –Enable students to apply their knowledge –Encourage critical, evaluative and strategic ways of thinking –Recognise the importance of the industry – education relationship –Link learning to future employment opportunities

Transferable Skills Greater emphasis on lifelong learning, widening participation, etc. Key skills now an essential feature in the design of both programmes and modules/units Links learning to employment Need to create a full skills package across programmes…so need to consider how skills learned/practised in one module contribute to the full student learning experience

As part of a Programme of Study How does this module contribute to the overall student learning experience? What knowledge, understanding and skills are required in order for a student to take this module/unit? What forms of teaching, learning and assessment will be most appropriate? –For student learning? –For the overall course package?

Module Plan Module/Unit rationale Aims and objectives of module/unit Contribution to constructive alignment –Aims and objectives –Methods of assessment –Teaching methods –Content

Resources What teaching resources are available? How can these resources best be used?

Student Support Support available for student learning –Library provision –Online access to journals/databases –Use of VLE –Staff time –Computer facilities

Progress and Feedback How will you track student progress? –Assessment –Feedback –Seminars/Tutorials How will you track student feedback? –Informal via students –Formal via evaluation forms –Staff – Student consultative committees

Making Modules Inclusive Need to recognise the needs of students with differing abilities –Delivery of material – lectures and seminars –Seminar/tutorial activities –Assessment –Feedback

Making Modules Inclusive Consult the institution’s disability officer Consider alternative ways for students to demonstrate competence in relation to module objectives Being prepared for all situations makes a session more inclusive from the outset