How to get the right ICT partner Steve Moss Strategic Director, ICT Partnerships for Schools
It’s all in the planning …… Clarity of vision / strategy for change ICT as a means to achieving the overall BSF vision – not an end in itself. Leadership at the right level Involving your curriculum and technical ICT staff Engaging external consultancy to ensure capacity Doing it with schools – not to schools
Creating a strong output specification.. … starts with a strong local authority Strategy for Change; … means ensuring that schools have enough time and support to develop their own Strategies for Change; … is helped by taking market soundings and keeping up to date with technological developments; and … ensures that potential bidders know exactly what you hope to achieve and which elements you expect the market to provide.
Keeping things in proportion ICT is only 10% of the capital value of the procurement but it represents a significantly higher proportion of the transformational potential of the programme Make clear to bidders at the outset, the weighting which you are giving to ICT in the overall evaluation. This should not be less than 20%. Decide on the relative importance of previous school experience as opposed to previous experience of business transformation through ICT.
Remember, you are procuring a partner in innovation and improvement; not just a supplier of equipment and services