Publishing Process Opportunities Seminar Presentation Dr. John W. Sinn, Professor Bowling Green State University College Of technology October 24, 2003 Topics/rollout 1.Publishing purpose 2.Publishing responsibilities 3.Concept to print…….mechanics 4.Concept to print…….research 5.Concept to print…….tips 6.General discussion
Publishing Purpose Why publish: basic purposes, reasons? –Captures your thinking –Document where you are, historical trail of work –Crystalizes your views, thoughts –Take ownership of views, thoughts –Causes growth, personal change –Facilitates knowledge –Stakes your claim to posterity
Publishing Purpose Why publish: higher level purposes…… –How does one “profess” something, one’s views? –Obligated to write, think in a context with others –Universality of thinking is done in writing –This is the way we make progress –Must write it…….move the idea forward –Strengthens your case……….
Publishing Responsibilities Why publish: basic professional responsibilities? –Accepted way to question thinking in the field –Document where discipline is in time –Provides collaborative environment –Crystalizes various views, thoughts –Create ownership of views, thoughts, methods –Facilitates growth, broader change, knowledge –Stakes multiple claims to posterity, established
Publishing Responsibilities Why publish: the role of the professor? –Define, grow, discipline over time –Reflect change as new knowledge, in writing –Do change via knowledge expansion –Demonstrate knowledge via writing, publishing –Grow ideas, move them along –Shape the future, where we wish to go –Share ideas publicly, debate
Publishing Responsibilities Why publish: broader responsibilities……… –Traditional publishing, hard copy –Evolving electronic publishing, information stored –Enhanced flexibility, ability to share ideas –Define, grow, discipline more quickly? –Do change via electronic writing, grow knowledge –Evolving new knowledge, electronically in work –What about quality? Pace of information growth? –All about changes in technology………
I get an idea………. –Others’ work, engaging students, faculty, practitioners –Knowing the field, staying in the loop, expertise –Doing my work, connecting academia, reality –Connecting courses, work via projects organizationally –May turn into a good thesis, dissertation idea –If it has merit, it will be written about –Does it fit my area of expertise, is it publishable? Concept To Print…….Mechanics
Ultimately must put idea to test –Must define the idea systematically –As we write, the idea is conceptualized –Primarily giving birth to idea by writing………. –Talk to others, review other work –Develop early drafts –Position idea, mature it to fruition –Continue to write based on critiques Concept To Print…….Mechanics
As concept develops, shifts to research –Experiment, lab test, prototype for further evaluation –Model, statistically or physically tested –Shared with others, survey to get feedback –Written, defined, described, discussing attributes –Bring idea to fruition, mature the thinking –What is the theory? New approach? Next level? –Structured, systematic exploration –Reflects current state of field, next generation Concept To Print…….Research
Gather data, document in organized manner –May be in the form of a proposal –Could be a fundable piece of work –Structured or unstructured project –Pursue project, findings based on organized methods –Disciplined method gives performance indicators –Can draw conclusions form work, tests of idea –Reporting data and documentation, 6-12 months Concept To Print…….Research
Research results are published, put to test –Must be planned from outset –Know which journal at outset, refereed or non –Report edited, provided to appropriate journals –Reviewed and possibly refereed, 3-6 months –Refereed is more rigorous, peers judge, input –Edited after review, acceptance, publish 3-6 months –Non-reviewed has a place also Concept To Print…….Tips
Mature researchers have on-going work –Continuous stream of related publications –One, two articles coming out every six months –May be blend of refereed and non, all connected –Takes time to build up systems, knowledge –Mature professionals typically do review process Common to collaborate with others –Frequently use results to write grants –Seek, secure external funds, support further work –Build national, international reputation Concept To Print…….Tips