communities online Steve Milton South Wiltshire Strategic Alliance
A community development tool Enables local people, groups and businesses to build & maintain websites No HTML, XML or Java! In fact, no technical stuff at all! Just type and go! 100% free for users!
Our Aim Improve access to community information Promote community groups & activities Promote local businesses and the rural economy Improve access to public services Improve communication between communities Designed & managed by the community Self sustaining Meet ODPM eGov outcomes
Funding Funded by Govt. ePathfinder scheme Wiltshire & Swindon awarded £1.4m One of 25 projects Complex bidding process Partnership approach £46k for
Involving the Community User group established at the outset Design Workshop Developed the Specification Tested the site Local ‘super-users’ and ‘champions’ Will manage the site as a Charity in the future Site acts as online consultation tool for the LSP
Developing the Site Selected a local company - Cravenplan A commercial partnership A complex contract Cravenplan retain a stake Cravenplan private investment of £30,000+ Rewritten programme as an off the shelf eGov tool
Sustainability No ongoing cost to local Taxpayers Revenue costs funded by commercial sponsorship Community provides and manages content User Group will take over management once sponsorship exceeds costs
Features of the Site Trusted Users Template driven page creation Advertisements Job vacancies Online Diary Online eZine Mailing lists Self policing
Is it working? Currently 520 community sites hosted 6.6m hits since Jan ,000 hits In August ,000 pages of local information viewed every month £2,500 annual revenue from sponsors System now procured up and running in Oxfordshire
Where now? More promotional work locally All Councillors online by end 2005 Drive up sponsorship income to £5,000 Launch Phase 3 improvements Cravenplan invested £30,000+ in nationwide marketing
communities online Steve Milton South Wiltshire Strategic Alliance