1 Evaluation of the STRATINC project Presentation to the project meeting Tenerife, 7 April 2005 Alasdair Reid, Technopolis (Belgium)


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Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation of the STRATINC project Presentation to the project meeting Tenerife, 7 April 2005 Alasdair Reid, Technopolis (Belgium)

2 Objectives and tasks of the evaluation Evaluation in two stages: –By July mid-term evaluation - aims to provide project partners with advice and recommendations on adjustments required –By April final evaluation - provide an independent appraisal of the success of the project in meeting its goals. Undertaken at two levels: –Efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation and degree of attainment of the objectives. –Evaluation of the project management and obligations vis-à-vis INTERREG IIIC programme.

3 Timetable of the evaluation Phase 1 : methodological framework - January- March 05 –Methodological note delivered Phase 2 First round of interviews (appraisal of implementation): –In Tenerife with project partners (April 05) –Survey of stakeholders in each region (May-June 05) Phase 3 : Interim report –Drafting June 05 - delivered 1 July 05 Phase 4 : Second round of interviews and self- assessment guide (appraisal of results) - October-December 05 –Participation to NRW meeting, support for organisation of self-evaluation meeting –Appraisal of how STRATINC is placed w.r.t. EU good practice (INTERREG, other initiatives) Phase 5 Final Report –Draft report by February 06 –Presented to last meeting in Metz –Final Report 1 April 2006

4 Some key questions we would like to discuss with you during next two days What was the state of play of strategic intelligence in your region before STRATINC ? –At policy level, at operational level, in enterprises, etc. What were your organisations expectations for STRATINC at the outset (and are they being met) ? What is the structure and composition of the regional partnership supporting STRATINC? –& how active have other key organisations been in supporting the project ? How useful was the benchmarking exercise for you in assisting the design of your PSIP ? –Did it influence your choice of tools ? Were the tools proposed appropriate ? What is the state of play in terms of involving and mobilising enterprises in the test phase of the PSIP ? –Interest, understanding, commitment…

5 Team - interviews - tasks Alasdair Reid –Director, Technopolis Brussels Interviews with –Lorraine –Kentriki Makedonia –Oslo Focus on impact on clusters and regional policy design Philippe Larrue –Senior consultant Technopolis Paris Interviews with –NRW –Murcia –Tenerife Will review PSIP work vis-à-vis EU good practice We propose interviews of +/- 1 hour during lunch - after meeting today and Friday afternoon. We would like to obtain from you a list of key stakeholders in your region we should contact - please think about this in advance of the interview. Please see us over coffee to fix times.