ST JAMES THE GREAT, PETTS WOOD Forum Presentation 16 th September 2010 Grayston Alan Durtnell
Existing Setting
The Existing Setting Easement Church Entrance Linkage Social Centre Entrance Garden Parish Office remote Grayston Alan Durtnell
Existing Social Centre
Existing Plan Grayston Alan Durtnell
The Existing Social Centre Clash between use of Hall and Pre school Lacks focus or gathering space Hall acts as circulation and so lacks flexibility Grayston Alan Durtnell
The Existing Social Centre Sacristy facilities poor Main entrance little used and unwelcoming - no views into building Limited storage Limited meeting space Small Hall has no external access & lacks dedicated facilities Potential views to garden closed off Poor kitchen Hall lacks daylight & external access Poor décor and furnishings Grayston Alan Durtnell Stage Under utilised Poor toilet facilities
Grayston Alan Durtnell “Refurbish”
“Refurbish” Objectives: Repairs: pressing problems with the building fabric Roof Rear building settlement Main Hall building fabric and décor Windows poor state of repair and single glazed Services: outdated heating and electrical installation Daylight: lack of daylight generally Kitchen: upgrade to meet current food preparation standards Toilets: lack of direct access Storage: lack of storage; poor accessibility Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Refurbish” - Concept
Grayston Alan Durtnell “Refurbish” - Details
“Refurbish” Benefits: Lowest cost Deals with most pressing repairs Upgrades toilets & kitchen etc. Small Hall and storage improved Disadvantages: Short term solution only Broader needs of parish groups not fully addressed Spaces remain inflexible for general use Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Refurbish” – Proposals Summary Repairs: Roof Repair or renewal Rebuild rear part of building subject to settlement Refurbish Main Hall roof; Rooflights Renew Windows Services: Renew heating and wiring installation Kitchen: refit to meet current food preparation standards Toilets: relocated centrally to provide direct access Storage: increased by making better use of Stage/Green Room Grayston Alan Durtnell
Some Further Objectives?
Further Objectives Increase visibility of entrance & consider shared entrance Provide external access Bring admin across Rationalise split access and ramped access for disabled & free up space Grayston Alan Durtnell
Further Objectives Create single access with increased visibility Access retained for processional services Grayston Alan Durtnell Open up frontage to the welcome the visitor Open up to provide gathering space & views to garden
Grayston Alan Durtnell “Modify”
“Modify” - Objectives Amenity: improve general amenity and setting of the Church Access: improve parking & pedestrian safety Entrance: rationalize entrances and improve visibility Internal Circulation: central Lobby to serve all areas Large Hall: refurbish to requirements of Uniformed and other groups Small Hall: enlarge; flexible use in conjunction with Lobby; external access & daylight Admin & Sacristies: group together in same building Kitchen & Toilets: upgrade, improve access; security for Pre-School Storage: increase size & accessibility Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Modify” -Site Layout Issues Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Modify” - Site Layout Concept Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Modify” - Internal Concept
“Modify” Benefits: Phasing advantages - float accommodation can be created at outset Rationalize entrances and improve visibility Lobby/Gathering area provides focus & good circulation Kitchen and toilets are central and serve both Halls and Lobby Both halls improved Efficient use of east end of Church Disadvantages: Moderate to high cost Increased circulation required to adapt to existing plan Main hall has no external access; limited daylight Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Modify”- details Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Modify” – Roof Plan Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Modify” – Approach
“Modify” – Showing meeting rooms and Link Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Modify” – Garden View
“Modify” – Proposals Summary Amenity: improvements to landscaping & Memorial Garden Access: parking increased from 21 to 30 bays; pedestrian/vehicle segregation Entrance: Single entrance for Church & Social Centre; provision for funerals etc. retained Internal Circulation: independent access to all areas Large Hall: refurbished to uniformed groups requirements; rooflights Small Hall: relocated to offer external access & daylight; flexibility of use Admin & Sacristies: moved to East end of Church Kitchen & Toilets: central location; secure provision for pre school Storage: increased & more accessible Grayston Alan Durtnell
“A Further Opportunity?”
“Modify” – A Further Opportunity The link between the East end of the Church & the Social Centre will provide: A convenient access to the Church Office and Priest’s Sacristy/Server’s Sacristy without having to pass through the Church. Allow late comers to join services in the worship area unobtrusively. Alternatively: The link could be omitted by “reordering” the Church so that the Sanctuary is reorientated to the east end of the worship space. Although not part of the original brief, this would be a logical extension of it. Access to the Church from the Central Lobby would be a natural progression. The symmetrical plan form of the worship space lends itself to this change. Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Modify” – Concept with Reordering of Church
Grayston Alan Durtnell “Modify” – with Reordering of the Church
“Modify” – site layout Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Rebuild” - Objectives Amenity: improve general amenity and setting of the Church Access: improve parking & pedestrian safety Entrance: new single entrance with improved visibility Internal Circulation: central Lobby to serve all areas; “Gathering” space Large Hall: new facility with daylight and external access to requirements of Uniformed and other groups Small Hall: daylight; flexible use in conjunction with Lobby Admin & Sacristies: group together in same building Kitchen & Toilets: new central facilities; flexibility; security for Pre-School Storage: increased size & accessibility Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Rebuild” – Concept Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Rebuild” – Concept with reordering of Church
“Rebuild” Benefits: Phasing advantages - float accommodation can be created at outset More efficient plan; reduced footprint; better use made of site. Flexibility maximised with “Gathering space”, optimum location for toilets, kitchens and storage. Better sustainability and reduced carbon footprint Main Hall has external access and better daylight Efficient use of East end of Church Lower long term running and maintenance costs Disadvantages: Slightly higher cost than “Modify” option Demolition of existing buildings Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Rebuild” - Details Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Rebuild” – roof plan
“Rebuild”- approach Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Rebuild”- Street scene Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Rebuild”- Chapel and Meeting Rooms Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Rebuild”- Entrance Grayston Alan Durtnell
Coffee Area & Garden beyond Toplit drop in/gathering area Grayston Alan Durtnell “Rebuild”
Entrance & Coffee area in foreground “Rebuild”- Garden entrance Grayston Alan Durtnell
“Rebuild” – Proposals Summary Amenity: improvements to landscaping & Memorial Garden Access: parking increased from 21 to 30 bays; pedestrian/vehicle segregation Entrance: Single entrance for Church & Social Centre; provision for funerals etc. retained Circulation: flexible “Gathering” space; independent access to all areas Large Hall: built to Uniformed Groups & Pre-School requirements; daylight and external access Small Hall: new facility offering daylight; flexibility of use Admin & Sacristies: moved to East end of Church Kitchen & Toilets: central location; secure provision for Pre-School Storage: increased & more accessible Grayston Alan Durtnell