Locality JSNAs: A tool to support commissioning at local level JSNA National Dataset Project Final Workshop, London 26 th November 2009 Neil Bendel Manchester Joint Health Unit
Contents Local context Why produce Locality JSNAs? Project structure and governance Locality JSNA working groups Project timeline and action plan Project outputs Review of success/failure factors and recommendations Progress status and future plans
Local Context Adult Social Care 6 Districts, sub-divided into 2 Localities District commissioning currently being established 6 lead commissioners each with district-wide responsibilities Children’s Services 6 Districts, sub-divided into 2 Localities District commissioning since 2007 Led by multi-agency District Wide Leadership Teams Primary Care Trust 3 Practice Based Commissioning (PBC) Hubs Formed in June 2006 Led by an Ass. Director of Commissioning and management team
Districts, localities and PbC Hubs
Why produce Locality JSNAs? Commissioning decisions are increasingly being devolved to locality/district level. These decisions need to be based on a good understanding of local needs, drawn from both a sound analysis of statistical data and from an awareness of the views of local residents and service users, as well as comprehensive review of the relevant evidence base. At present, commissioners at locality level may not have the information, skills or capacity needed to understand the population in this way or the ability to use this information to drive commissioning decisions
Aims and objectives Increase level of engagement with JSNA process among commissioners working at locality level Build up local skills around needs assessment, data analysis and community engagement Stimulate joint working between commissioners in NHS, Adult Social Care and Children’s Services Improve extent of community and user involvement in identifying local priorities via JSNA Greater synergy between commissioning intentions and delivery of services at neighbourhood, locality and citywide levels
Governance and project responsibilities WhoRole Manchester Public Service Board (PSB) Overall project sponsorship Manchester JSNA Working Group Ensure consistency between Locality and citywide JSNAs Locality JSNA Working Groups Production of the Locality JSNA and ownership of the final outputs Health Intelligence TeamSpecialist technical and analytical support
Locality JSNA Working Groups: Membership Lead Commissioners and Policy Officers from Adult Social Care (x2) Children’s Services District Partnership Coordinators (x2) PBC Hub commissioning leads and Service Improvement Managers Public Health leads for each locality NHS Engagement Managers Programme management plus specialist project and administrative support from the Joint Health Unit
Locality JSNA Working Groups: Terms of Reference (1) To provide overall guidance and direction for the development of the JSNA within the locality To coordinate the Locality JSNA programme within organisations and facilitate the use of the Locality JSNA as the common vehicle for needs assessment To oversee the prioritisation of topics within the Locality JSNA and coordinate the development of local intelligence on the chosen topics To take responsibility for making links with local communities and service users
Locality JSNA Working Groups: Terms of Reference (2) To provide editorial advice and oversight of the Locality JSNA document To embed the Locality JSNA recommendations within local commissioning activities and service delivery To advise on the technical and managerial input needed to support the development of the Locality JSNA To liaise with other Locality JSNA Working Groups to develop an appropriate support infrastructure To oversee the future updates to the content of the Locality JSNA and ensure effective version control
Project Timeline
Project Action Plan 1.Identify up to 5 strategic priorities per agency 2.Identify data to support the strategic priorities 3.Populate strategic prioritisation matrix and identify gaps 4.Report to boards 5.Identify leads/take on writer/start to speak to printers 6.Agencies to provide narrative around priorities 7.Review membership of working groups 8.Identify commissioning needs 9.Finalise writing 10.Printing
Output 1 – Core dataset 70+ indicators grouped within 11 topic areas Data drawn from existing national and local datasets and information products (e.g. Paycheck) Consistent with Manchester Partnership “State of the Wards” Report Supplemented with data supplied by partner agencies Ward level cross-referenced with districts, PBC hubs and Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF) areas In-built charting functionality
Output 2 – Strategic Prioritisation Matrix DistrictChildren’s Services Adult Social Care PBC HubNHS Manchester North West North East Central West Central East South Wythenshawe
Success/failure factors What’s worked well? Gaining high-level buy-in to the Locality JSNA Process at both strategic and operational levels Engaging local officers via the Locality JSNA Working Groups Construction of Locality JSNA Core Data Set What’s worked less well? Lack of real engagement with local residents and service users Time and resource constraints of local partners Sustainability of the Locality JSNA process beyond the timelines of the project
Lessons learnt Enthusiasm for work but it takes longer than you think ! Not starting from scratch – partners already have existing strategic priorities that they are working to Data is available but not always held in one place Difficult to build and maintain consistent buy-in from partners over a long period of time Good coordination and project management essential
Recommendations Local Partners should: Address lack of analytical and intelligence capacity at both a locality and corporate level. Embed community engagement as a core component of the JSNA process at both citywide and locality level. Ensure that resources are in place to sustain the JSNA process beyond the production of an initial document. Consider from the outset the capacity to conduct a process and outcomes evaluation of the JSNA and take steps to address gaps in capacity where necessary.
Progress status and future plans Work to identify and collate existing strategic priorities is underway Further develop Core Dataset using service data from Adult Social Care and PCT Plan to recruit writer to edit local contributions to JSNAs and coordinate production of final documents (Jan 2010) Proposal to make some of the data held in Core Dataset available online using Instant Atlas software (work funded by Manchester Partnership)