NHS | Presentation to [XXXX Company] | [Type Date]1 Right Care in action Doncaster CCG – Commissioning for Value: Successes, Challenges and Solutions Dr Anna Kirkman & Martha Coulman
Commissioning for Value: Successes, Challenges and Solutions Dr Anna Kirkman NHS Doncaster CCG Martha Coulman NHS Doncaster CCG
Background Successes and challenges Solutions
National contextLocal context Reduction in running costs (50%) taking account of retained commissioning function Flat cash plus impact of capitation formula (8% reduction in financial allocation) Bottom quartile for unplanned admissions growth
Intelligence-driven approach to identify opportunities to improve the value that our population gets for the money invested in healthcare Management and supporting resources focussed on the priorities of the organisation Consistent framework and underpinning processes to support decision making
Respiratory 1. Identified variation 2. Commissioned deep dive pack in respiratory; identified specific elements of the pathway where there is variation 3. Clinically led redesign currently being implemented Mental Health 1. Identified variation 2. Commissioned review of mental health services; due to complete November 2013
Key Successes: Planning Technically successful; the process enabled a strategic focus on the clinical areas that represented the greatest opportunities for improvement Partnership Positive mechanism to influence partners; mental health is a HWBB priority Delivery Deep dive approach supported the development of structured delivery plans Key Challenges: Planning Debate about the “quality of strategic priorities”; i.e. is the information “good enough”? Partnership Changing commissioning architecture of NHS, we do not have commissioning responsibility for critical elements of pathways for example smoking cessation Delivery Streamlined business processes in order to align delivery and facilitate prompt implementation of decisions Successes and challenges
Improve the quality of system wide planning What Provider engagement; we rely on our providers to translate our plans into delivery Co commissioners; we can’t use our resource allocation to commission elements of service that are not our responsibility but we can influence Service user engagement; we need to develop a local understanding of the pressures that the NHS is facing Solution We need to bring our partners along and create energy for change in order to achieve system transformation 1.Involving partners in planning process; intelligence is sense checked, current service transformation is considered, partners plans are taken into account, commissioning responsibilities are understood and “elephants in the room” are addressed at an early stage 2.Robust service user engagement; on-line survey, social media, print media, face to face consultation, develops a broader understanding of the issues 3.Robust system wide plans that reflect benchmarked intelligence and “soft” intelligence
Delivery: Turning plans into reality What Transformation teams “bought in to the process” Time taken from decision to implementation Understanding potential delays in deliverability Managerial and clinical capacity dispersed How Engage transformation teams from the outset Stream line the decision making process/ governance structure Simplify business planning processes; introduction of initial viability assessments, sourcing assessments etc. Ensure that management and clinical capacity is focussed on priorities; development of delivery plans and aligned objective setting; (strategy, delivery plan, team objectives, personal objectives)
Clinical leadership, clinical engagement, provider engagement, service user engagement, co commissioner engagement, and effective business processes System improvement
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