Beginning Architecture Technical Bulletin #1
Introduction to Beginning Architecture In this classroom you may take 3 different classes 1)Beginning Architecture 2)Advanced Architecture 3)Commercial Building and Urban Planning
Semester I 1.Select or create a family: W, X, Y, Z. IF creating use W, X, Y, Z format, and requirements should not exceed a 2 bedroom, 2000 sq. foot, one story vacation home. 2.Select a site: Lot will be determined by type of vacation home chosen, (Beach House, Lakeside Cabin, or Ski Chalet). 3.Design Sketches a) Circle Planning and Thumbnail Sketches b) Graph paper floor plan c) overlay for roof plan d) all elevations e) research project f) cad exercises IF POSSIBLE
Semester II Choose an area of interest for concentration during second semester from: Scaled Model, Renderings, Working Drawings 1)Scale Model a) Model b) Topography 2) Renderings a) Perspective drawings b) Practice drawing pencil, ink, watercolor, colored pencil, and marker c) Large renderings of your house in 2 of the above mediums
Vacation Homes Vacation homes have in the past few decades become an area of great interest and great design. Some of the most creative architecture can be seen on these houses that previously did not receive much attention to the design. There are many different types of cabins and vacation homes but some of the main ones are: beach houses, lakeside homes, ski and snow houses, desert houses, country homes, and mountain cabins. The main thing to realize about these is that they are a place of living that provide shelter, warmth, shade, facilities for cooking & eating, places for bathing, and sleeping. However, these often miss some of the frills that a main residence might have.
Beach Lot °Sun, sand, and blue sky °Swimming, breakfast with a view, leisurely games °Should require a minimum of upkeep °Storms, damp & mildew, winds, high waves, and security are all possible issues. Cool tiles may help the damp, shutters and sliding walls may provide security, and glass fences may block wind without blocking views. °Plan on the type of environment to foster, and possible easy solutions to complex problems. °Decide on house usage, (if year round want to put in a heating system at the outset.) A fireplace may be cozier and outdoor areas should be designed. °Planning of outdoor activities will help you adequately plan for storage, (sports equipment, rafts, boats, outdoor furniture, etc. Make sure you have ample but flexible storage).
Don’t forget to think about the type of style you want for your house and little touches you can use to bring the home together. Be creative and think what you might like in a beach house!
Lake Lot °Broad terraces, green vistas, al fresco meals, games in the grass, and a dock with a boat °In contrast with the beach lot, the lake lot seems serener. More secluded. °A lake house can be formal or informal depending on the family’s needs. Rustic or classy, (bunk beds, to permanent homes). °Weather, security, and insect problems still exist, but are less intense. °Should count on partial year round usage, with summertime usage at a high. °Heating should be considered for year round use, a good access route, and storage space for all kinds of sports and outdoors equipment. °Varied landscaping is possible, leading to different possible views from the house, (gardens, valleys, lake, woods, etc. ). Windows should be planned accordingly.
°Interior furnishings will vary with the people and their tastes, budgets, and way of life. °This environment should transition nicely from home: lighter, brighter, more fun. °A practical lake house will need the same equipment as a normal home, (kitchen, bathroom, laundry, etc.) but such things may be minimized due to budgets. °A large living room or kitchen with a view might be put to better use in a second house.
Mountain Lot °Warmth, snuggies, a seat by the fire and imperviousness to the elements. °The charm of deep snow and irregular terrain can cause building issues. A roof that is well built and steeper can help with the snow. Access into and out of the house can be a problem though with mounting snow levels. °Balconies seen on Swiss and Bavarian chalets can be give charm and be functional, (Another exit at a higher level). °Practical, easy to clean entrances are necessary at any level. A ‘mudroom’ with adjoining storage for outdoor clothing/coats, boots, skis, sleds, etc., as well as convenient facilities for cleaning up, can help keep the interior free from slush.
°The inside spaces should be planned to have many areas for games, music, conversation, etc. to enjoyably spend long winter evenings. Children should have their own play space if possible. °Ski chalets can be cooler enjoyable retreats for the summer months as well. If this is a desire, provisions should be made for turning snug winter spaces intro more open facilities connecting to outdoor terraces/decks. °Windows should take advantage of the most attractive views for either season.
All images provided by google images: Vacation Homes Ski Chalet Beach House Lake House