The Common Core State Standards an overview


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Presentation transcript:

The Common Core State Standards an overview Mike Doughty Assistant Superintendent

The context for our work…

Common Core State Standards Annual Professional Data Performance Student Learning School Change Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) Data Driven Instruction

State Adoptions of the CCSS These standards are designed to prepare all students with the knowledge and skills to succeed in college and work. Ensures consistent expectations for all students regardless of zip code The National Council of Chief State School Officers The National Governors’ Association Achieve ACT College Board

A big deal…

No one likes change but babies in diapers. “ No one likes change but babies in diapers. “ Barbara Johnson Writer

Unpacking the Standards Review the format of the Common Core Standards document Note major shifts with the Common Core Standards Discuss implications and next steps

“ I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it in the right way, did not become still more complicated.   Poul Anderson “


Myth or Fact?

Arne Duncan Secretary of Education NCEE, May 24, 2011 We have not and will not prescribe a national curriculum. I want to repeat that. “ “ Arne Duncan Secretary of Education NCEE, May 24, 2011

Overview of ELA

Major Shifts – ELA 50% of texts in K-5 are informational Literacy in history, science, and other disciplines Text complexity matters Text-dependent questions Constructing an argument with evidence in writing Building academic vocabulary David Coleman Video Reference Appendix A – Research on text complexity Conveying complex information Academic vocabulary vs. literary terminology

Layout of the Standards

Anchor Standards

New York State additions highlighted in yellow

Common Core State Standards: ELA and Literacy Overview anchor standards grade-specific standards These anchor standards are translated to grade-specific standards Called anchor standards because the main achievement outcomes are anchored in these 34 statements Vertically designed to lead to college and career readiness Standard 1 refers to the same expectation in Kindergarten as it does in 12th grade

6-12 ELA – Bands to allow for flexibility in courses/models Clear vertical progression Grade specific expectations K-5 ELA – Grade Specific 6-12 ELA – Bands to allow for flexibility in courses/models 6-12 Literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects section for content area teachers Grade-specific expectations for K-8 and grade bands for 9-10 and 11-12 A clear vertical progression across grades is included to show how each grade level standard leads to the college- and career-readiness standards This design feature will help educators see the developmental progression of the standards Grade band expectations for high school

CCSS Strands Reading Writing Speaking and Listening Language Reading Reading Literature Reading for Information Foundational Skills (K-5 only) Writing Speaking and Listening Language Key Ideas and Details Craft and Structure Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity Text Types and Purposes (arguments, informative, narrative) Production and Distribution of Writing Research to Build and Present Range of Writing Comprehension and Collaboration Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas Conventions of Standard English Knowledge of Ideas Vocabulary Acquisition and Use


More specific bullets Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES

Making it the NYS Common Core 15% Pre-K standards Responding to Literature Inquiry, culture, and diversity General comments from teachers about gaps: The Common Core Standards require the use of many more genres at all grade levels than what the teachers had been doing (for example, drama, poetry and folktales in the elementary school) High School teachers commented that many of the Common Core Standards will require much more explicit teaching. Pre-K standards and… Two new CCR Standards for Responding to Literature (Reading P-12 and Writing 5-12)—these expectations relate to literary response More grade-level expectations for inquiry and culture and diversity—added in specific areas throughout the document

Appendices Appendix A -Research Supporting Key Elements of the Standards; Glossary of Key Terms Appendix B -Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks Appendix C -Examples of Student Writing

A segue?

Overview of math

Major Shifts – Math Fluency Understanding Application David Coleman Video Reference Algebra and facts example Applying math when you’re not asked to do so Fractions

2 3 × 4 5 = 1 2 + 3 7 =

Making it the NYS Common Core 15% Pre-K standards Addition of two grade level standards Pre-K standards to provide foundational support for kindergarten standards and beyond Addition of two grade level standards: Kindergarten--Develop understanding of ordinal numbers (first through tenth) to describe the relative position and magnitude of whole numbers. First Grade--Recognize and identify coins, their names, and their value.

CCSS Math: Design and Organization Mathematical Practice Mathematical Content Standards for Mathematical Practice Carry across all grade levels Describe habits of mind for a mathematically expert student Standards for Mathematical Content K-8 standards presented by grade level Organized into domains that progress over several grades HS standards presented as conceptual themes (Number & Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Modeling, Geometry, Statistics & Probability

CCSS Math: Design and Organization Content Standards Clusters Domains Content Standards define what students should understand and be able to do Clusters are groups of related standards Domains are larger groups that progress across grades Standards define what students should know, understand, and be able to do Clusters are groups of related standards. Note that the standards from different clusters may sometimes be closely related because mathematics is a connected subject Domains are larger groups of related standards/clusters. Standards from different domains may sometimes be closely related.

Standards define what students should know, understand, and be able to do Clusters are groups of related standards. Note that the standards from different clusters may sometimes be closely related because mathematics is a connected subject Domains are larger groups of related standards/clusters. Standards from different domains may sometimes be closely related.

Design and Organization Grade Level Overviews

CCSS Math: Characteristics “inter-connected” concepts Teaching for DEPTH, not WIDTH “Mind-shift” Each grade level is meant to have “inter-connected” concepts (e.g.. 8th grade, 5th grade) Teaching for DEPTH, not WIDTH “Mind-shift” in the way we are teaching– it isn’t a checklist of performance indicators 8th grade is linear equations and 5th grade operations with fractions

CCSS Math: Characteristics “The Standards should be read as allowing for the widest possible range of students to participate fully from the outset, along with appropriate accommodations to ensure maximum participation of students with special education needs.” (CCSS mathematics document, p. 4) Multiple times, multiple conceptual lessons “The Standards should be read as allowing for the widest possible range of students to participate fully from the outset, along with appropriate accommodations to ensure maximum participation of students with special education needs.” pg. 4 of CCSS mathematics document

CCSS Math: Characteristics “The Standards should be read as allowing for the widest possible range of students to participate fully from the outset, along with appropriate accommodations to ensure maximum participation of students with special education needs.” (CCSS mathematics document, p. 4) Multiple times, multiple conceptual lessons “The Standards should be read as allowing for the widest possible range of students to participate fully from the outset, along with appropriate accommodations to ensure maximum participation of students with special education needs.” pg. 4 of CCSS mathematics document

Structural Organizations 2005 NYS 2011 CCS Performance indicators at each grade level written like a “list of skills.” 5 Conceptual process strands Content strands with individual standards Performance indicators at each grade level written in a way that concepts are “inter-connected” within a grade level. 8 Conceptual process strands 11 domains within the K-8 curriculum

Considerations for Math and ELA Interpreting the language Conceptually related curriculum vs. “check-list” of topics Embedding the CCS in PD Teachers (especially teachers who may not be content-specialists in math) may have trouble interpreting the language of CCS. Teach teachers how to teach a conceptually related curriculum instead of teaching a “check-list” of standards. Start embedding instruction on CCS now into teacher PD sessions (have teachers find how their instruction on any given topic matches common core)

CCSS: The future Exploring curriculum models Role of Network teams Implementation of CCS – September 2012 PARCC Assessments aligned to the CCS – June 2015 NYS is currently exploring curriculum models Network teams (BOCES and Districts) will be charged with rolling out the standards and providing direction for curriculum writing and professional development around the implementation Implementation of CCS is moved to September 2012 PARCC Assessments aligned to the CCS expected in June 2015

The Curriculum Model will be… Sequenced Content-Specific Spiraled Include sample tasks Developed in the spring of 2011 and available in the spring of 2012

Implementation Timeline

Regional Cooperation Ongoing and staggered APPR training Unit writing Using data to inform and guide instruction The changing face of instructional leadership Leadership for instructional change Navigating the change process

The change…

For more information…

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