IT Services Open Access Research Data November 2013 update 1
IT Services IT Gavin McLachlin, UCL Sebastian Rahtz, Oxford Sean Duffy, Birmingham John Owen, Birmingham Library Janet Peters, Cardiff Mike Mertens, RLUK Research Support Kevin Schurer, Leicester Ricky Rankin, Queens Soma Mukherjee, Nottingham 2 Open Access Research Data SIG meeting
IT Services RLUK developing policy proposals Issues of ‘double-dipping’ subscriptions/APCs Possibility of ‘vouchers’ from publishers to use against subscriptions Variety of business models still in play Developing a modelling tool with Jisc Collections Growing appetite for a shared publication service for HE Remove VAT and profit For publications not targeting prestige journals 3 Update on Open Access Publications
IT Services General HE stance Respond positively, with legitimate concerns re practicality etc Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 Machine readable open data Three focuses Delivering open access Monitoring Data security Push for central data repositories Training to address skills gap 4 Research Sector Transparency Board
IT Services RG survey – 6 respondents Benefits OA supporting research, increased citations, v.little economic benefit Risks Data (personal) security, loss of IP, misinterpretation of data Barriers Researcher culture, ease of use / access RDM policies within institutions Skills Costs Recognition of the scale – staff costs expected to exceed IT 5 Russell Group initiative
IT Services The issue of internal recharges being accepted by funders Possibility of whether ‘pure incremental hardware costs for a shared central service’ would be acceptable Re-emphasis on domain specific repositories where they exist National or institutional repositories for the rest Challenge of international – collaboration, IP/licensing Challenge of cross-disciplinary research Tiered.v. flat storage Complexity, costs, economies Cultural change for researchers Barrier, motivation, who is really interested in the data Standards for meta-data Cross-university searching Discipline driven 6 Themes of discussion
IT Services Staff skills Scarcity of data librarians across the sector Published open data able to be consumed Documentation of the context / assumptions etc of the data Design data for reuse from the outset License rights on the data Legislation constraints – guidance needed FOI – no right to distribute, OA – right to distribute 10 year rule (since last access) Inability to predict cost UK sector repositories? Critical mass – storage, curators Regional groups? 7 Themes of discussion
IT Services Learn from existing repositories – EBI, UK Data Archive Draft a RG SIG position paper Desired principles – eg domain repositories, 10 yrs, standards Assumptions What data is in scope for OA Cross charging Identify further work required Licensing Attributions Meta data standards Search Skills Develop jointly a ‘shared advocacy script’ RG, RLUK/SCONUL, UCISA, UUK, ARMA, RSTB 8 Next steps