Organising Intermodality - a focus on passengers in the West Midlands Rafael Cuesta Head of Strategic Development Centro - Birmingham
Where now? Responsible for facilitating public transport in the West Midlands 2nd largest conurbation in world’s 7th largest economy. Manage services that affect 5.6 million people.
World class Best in class Where next?
How? Innovate Collaborate Involve
Organising Intermodality - a focus on passengers in the West Midlands What we are trying to achieve has much wider benefits and can help boost economic growth whilst protecting the environment, support society and give a good deal for the traveller.
Organising Intermodality - a focus on passengers in the West Midlands As the Passenger Champion we are concentrating four key areas : Improving the quality and availability of information; Making smart and integrated ticketing the norm; Improving connections at every stage of the journey; and Enhancing transport facilities.
Organising Intermodality - a focus on passengers in the West Midlands We want correct, reliable and understandable journey information to be available to people as and when they need it. Enabling all travel data to be shared openly so that passengers can get the information they need in the way that they want it; Working with market leaders to develop new channels for travel information.
Organising Intermodality - a focus on passengers in the West Midlands We will use smart technology to deliver seamless door-to-door journeys making it easier to use public transport. Working with smartcard schemes to utilise existing smartcard infrastructures and encouraging interoperability; Providing a Managed Service to help smaller bus operators; Encouraging the use of new technologies to make buying and using travel tickets easier.
Organising Intermodality - a focus on passengers in the West Midlands We want reliable connections between different types of transport to give travellers the confidence to make multi- modal journeys. Ensuring there are better connections between public transport modes; Encouraging transport providers to work together and to co-ordinate timetables; Investing in a high quality cycling and walking environment.
Organising Intermodality - a focus on passengers in the West Midlands We want transport facilities to be safe, comfortable and easily accessible, so they meet the needs of passengers. Ensuring our investments at transport hubs deliver high-quality facilities; Working with transport providers to make sure interchange facilities meet customer needs; Ensuring the future needs of society are considered at the outset.
Organising Intermodality - a focus on passengers in the West Midlands Summary of Actions: Improving the quality and availability of information; Making smart and integrated ticketing the norm; Improving connections at every stage of the journey; and Enhancing transport facilities.
Organising Intermodality - a focus on passengers in the West Midlands The efficient urban trip is intermodal. An integrated urban transport system enables efficient movements of persons and goods. Greater accessibility Less congestion Efficient transport system Reduced impact on the environment Nodes Project
Organising Intermodality - a focus on passengers in the West Midlands The NODES project Total budget: 4.2 million € (EC cont.: 2.8 million €) Project duration: 3 years (start date: 1 October 2012) 17 partners Local Government Administrations: Madrid, Birmingham, Toulouse, Reading, Budapest, Thessaloniki Local Government Administrations: Madrid, Birmingham, Toulouse, Reading, Budapest, Thessaloniki Public Transport Operators: Rome, Osnabrück, NS, Cityway Public Transport Operators: Rome, Osnabrück, NS, Cityway Research centre and consultants: TU Delft, Berends, DTV, FIT Research centre and consultants: TU Delft, Berends, DTV, FIT 3 European associations: UITP, Polis, EPF 3 European associations: UITP, Polis, EPF
Organising Intermodality - a focus on passengers in the West Midlands BIRMINGHAM, UK
Organising Intermodality - a focus on passengers in the West Midlands Build a Toolbox to support European cities, transport authorities and operators, in the design and operation of new or upgraded public transport interchanges Enhance services and satisfaction for travellers, users and societal/economic actors depending on the efficiency of the interchange Objectives
Organising Intermodality - a focus on passengers in the West Midlands Pedestrian information systems Progressive disclosure of information Linking public transport information and infrastructure with pedestrian information Design and planning of pedestrian information and navigation
Organising Intermodality - a focus on passengers in the West Midlands Information and guidance on how the concept was developed Guidance on delivery Proven successful system Concept illustrated in the ‘Interconnect’ book with Birmingham being the first example of its implementation Could be adapted for other interchanges and cities Design and planning of pedestrian information and navigation
Organising Intermodality - a focus on passengers in the West Midlands Birmingham Application sites
Organising Intermodality - a focus on passengers in the West Midlands NODES Toolbox Under development, : web based (easy access search function and tick-boxes) accessible via NODES website Online:
Organising Intermodality Thank You for your attention Rafael Cuesta Head of Strategic Development Centro - Birmingham