Experience from projects from older users’ perspective Angela Cluzel & Heidrun Mollenkopf Chairs of Health & ICT expert group AGE Platform Europe DREAMING Final Conference Trieste, 14 th June
AGE Platform Europe
one looking at societal challenges for healthy living in ageing one looking at smart inclusive places for all ages, mobility and digital accessibility AGE Platform Europe: the joint forces of 2 expert groups AGE brings forward the user perspective and provides links to EU policymaking
Why is AGE concerned? Increase awareness among developers on older people’s needs and expectations ICT developers and users not speaking the same language Developers not involved with interests & problems of older people Increase awareness among older people about how they can benefit from the new technologies Users may be misinformed about technology ICT can promote independent living Support active participation of older people in society Fight against the « digital gap »
AGE's contribution: Involvement of users through an Advisory Board, made up by experts on health and ICT. Visits in all pilot sites: - Berlin - Tallinn - Langeland - Barbastro - Heby -Trieste DREAMING project for independent living
The work of the Advisory Board
difficulties in patients participation, large number of drop-outs- patient selection was strict: COPD, chronic heart failure or diabetes installation of equipment came up with problems: video conferencing system and environmental sensors success of vital signs monitors: easy to use, non- intrusive alarm handling proved it saved lives the ANDROID gateway replacing the top box solution is seen as the future technology for data transmission What we have seen in DREAMING
success of the portal - regular visual contact an interaction of confidence between the patients, nurses, GPs, and hospitals patients living on their own have a feeling of safety empowerment through a deeper understanding: patients have become more aware of their own symptoms, and monitor their own illness better – quality of life improved quality of work of the health professionals What we have seen in DREAMING
9 Risks Failure of ICT technology to function – deficient internet coverage Inoperability of videoconferencing system with TV set at home Failure to involve from the outset the family and carers to avoid misunderstanding
The national or regional ethical committee is not a barrier but it is a hurdle to get over in the outset of e-technological experimentation The batteries in the medical devices: low power and capacity of batteries Cost coverage: inequality could arise between "medical" coverage of cost and "social services" coverage where traditionally there is little financial support available Cost of infrastructures Training Resistance to abandon old practices: changing role of professionals However we underline the challenge of the changing roles and how they stimulate professional practice Barriers
AGE Platform Europe Rue Froissart Bruxelles – Belgique Contact person: Nena Georgantzi tel. : fax :