Career Path Goals; How to Develop them By Ken Hauenstein
Two ways to begin the process Start at the beginning Build the list step by step Prioritize in proper order Have clearly in mind the final goal. Start with the ultimate goal. Define the steps needed to achieve the goal. Put those steps in sequential order. Determine where to start.
Write it Down! At this point I need to stress that for this process to work you need to write down each point as you go. Do not worry that you might change your mind about something, or that something seems too trivial or too obvious, write it down anyway. The point of this part of the process is to help you really visualize these points. That way when they are all laid out in front of you it is a lot easier to assess what really is essential, what is truly trivial, and what obvious things you may have otherwise missed. as you develop this plan you will absolutely cut things out, refine and reorganize, but you cannot do those things until you can see what you are working with. So write, write, write! Each of the following slides give you some important pieces of your puzzle, you must know how to answer them.
S-strengths W-weaknesses O-opportunities T-threats Do You Know Your SWOT? S-strengths W-weaknesses O-opportunities T-threats
If You Know Your SWOT You Can SOAR! S-setting O-obtainable A-and R-realistic goals.
S-specific M-measurable A-achievable R-results focused T-time-bound Ok, so how SMART are You? S-specific M-measurable A-achievable R-results focused T-time-bound
What’s Next? Now that we have established a few important facts we can take the process to the next level. Start writing out our goals with one of the two methods mentioned at the outset. Did you take time to make notes on each of the previous steps?
Remember, every day plays a role in the long term goal! An important first step in setting goals is to find out where the time will come from to fulfill them. In order to do this it is imperative that you know how you really spend your time. So track it for say a month. Remember we are setting long term goals so a month is only a small part of what it will take to reach your goals. Step two; you must determine what daily, weekly monthly, and annual events must take place to reach your goals. Step three; the events in step two have to match the model you created in step one. It is critical to be honest and realistic with yourself here if you are going to succeed.
What will you sacrifice? Yes, sacrifice, remember you have not been working toward the goal before, so now something in your schedule (your life) is going to have to give. This is when you find out if, and how committed you are to your goal. For example, if your ultimate goal requires schooling or training, how will you arrange the time for it? Perhaps you need to further develop skills you already have, when, where, and how will you fit this in?
Some practical guidelines Every stage must have timelines. Timelines may be adjusted somewhat, however if they are realistic, the adjustments should be relatively minor. There should be weekly sign offs of accomplishments to keep you motivated and focused. For example, when in school, each week has a list of assignments for you to complete and check off. Let’s use the idea of learning an instrument or language, each week should bring some measurable progress, this progress is important to track; Week 1 learn the scale, Week two practice chord drills, week three learn a simple song, etc.. You will need to create a list or chart to track your progress.
Example Chart; Start to Finish Model Item Date Started Target Date Date Completed Learn new computer ship design system. Design first ship with new computer design system. Sell boss on new design. Build team to build new design.
With every goal there are individual requirements. It is up to each one of us to build a plan that suits our circumstances and personality. The information I have presented here will only be helpful if applied properly and diligently. You have to want to achieve something before you start, many people simply let life happen to them as though they were victims in some great tragedy. So for them the first real goal is to take charge of what they can, and that is often far more than they think it is, and set a destination for themselves. Go ahead and plot the course, you may not end up where you thought you would , but that is half the adventure. Sure, it will not always go smoothly, just as with any journey you cannot always see what is around the next bend. That does not mean however, that we should simply park the car so to speak. When you plan these goals out probably the biggest benefit you will gain, will be what you learn about yourself whether you ever actually start the journey or not.
I encourage any who view this presentation to challenge themselves I encourage any who view this presentation to challenge themselves. Don’t be afraid to write down your strengths and weaknesses, find them before they become a threat or handicap. Take the time to really assess what opportunities exist for you, and remember you can create opportunities as well. Remember to keep balanced as you pursue your goals, we all need some down time. So schedule it into your plan. No two plans look alike nor should they. As you build your plan take your time, the decisions you make for a long term goal will effect you for a long term once the journey is begun. May your journey be long and prosperous full of fulfilling adventure and happiness.