Genetic improvement Benefits for commercial producers Dr Michael Bradfield BREEDPLAN SA
World meat production and trade Source: FAPRI,
2001 Chicken Genetics 1957 Chicken Genetics Day 43Day 57Day 71 Day 85 This was Achieved by Maximising Genetic Progress! (n0 hormones!)
Value of genetic improvement to South African beef herd RSA R40 After 10 years 4.50 Billion Rand
In France, like much of Europe, many of the breed societies have become very weak and have very little influence on the industry. Vincent Ducrocq (ARC 20/02/2012)
+5kg +3kg
- 6 days
EMARBY cm3.1%
WHAT IS GENETIC PROGRESS ? The formula is: R= S x h² L
Brahman Extensive Rangeland Grassfed Index
Namibian Extensive Rangeland Grassfed Index Objectives Steers finished on grass (30 months) kg live weight. P8 Fat 10 mm. Daughters retained for breeding Reduce cow size.
Brahman International Genetic Evaluation Selecting suitable genetics “across country borders”: Breeders can benchmark their own herd genetics to other genetics around the world on a common base Opportunities of a wider gene pool: - potential for accelerating rate of genetic improvement - marketing genetics on a common base
Brahman Performance Records Available *These numbers may include repeat measures on the same animals.
By undertaking this project Brahman would become the first Bos indicus breed to commission an international genetic evaluation. This should assist Brahman to increase its market share of genetics - particularly to developing country projects. It needs to be accepted from the outset that while the international evaluation will be more informative than national evaluations - there will be winners and losers. That is part of the price of progress. Other Considerations
Stud Industry Put the interests of your commercial clients FIRST by selecting animals that make commercial producers more MONEY Lets be courageous, roll up our sleeves, and do it!