Using your data to make your project better Ceris Anderson - StreetGames
Session Overview Why is it important to collect and analyse data? What data should we collect or look up? How can we use this data better? What are the limitations of data collection? What other information and feedback would be useful? What can we do with the data and evidence once it is collected? What is the one thing you most want to cover in this session today?
What data do you typically collect in your projects?
Why is it important to collect and analyse your data?
Why is it important? It can help to: Keep track of progress and assess how things are going Identify which sessions are working well and where changes/ improvements may be needed. Identify who is coming (and who is not ), is it the intended target group? Identify how often people are coming…..are they in danger of dropping out? Provide consistent performance measurement. It is an essential part of good project management
Data collection is important but it can also be a challenge………… What challenges do you face with data collection?
Data collection Participant records Attendance registers Volunteer records
Data Collection Try to keep it as simple as possible Only collect what you really need Explain to project staff, coaches, volunteers and participants why you collect the information and why it is important Ensure systems are in place from the outset Make use and share the data
What data should we collect?
What data? This must be driven by the aims and objectives of your project: – Sports participation – Participant engagement, Retention, Progression – Volunteer engagement and development – Training and qualifications – Health improvement – Reducing crime and ASB – Others…….. Can they all be measured by data collection?
Sports Participation Sessions Participants Attendances May also collect data on: Coaches Volunteers Qualifications
Participant Data Total participant numbers Who is attending (profile) and who isn’t What activities are they doing? How often are they coming? How long have they been coming? Who has dropped out? Are there any patterns? How do we know if there has been any progression?
Statistic Summary gives you an overview of your project and also allows you to focus on particular dates or clubs.
Allow you to analyse the rates of participation and the popularity of each sport.
Know your participants Use your data to know your participants: Newbies Settling ins Core Dedicated
CategoryActions required 1 “The newbies” Needs lots of attention – make them feel welcome, explain session, no surprises Buddy systems, help them make friends Taster sessions Send text/message if possible to say they have been missed Incentives Reminders about next sessions 2 “The settling ins” Needs lots of attention ‘Spice up’ sessions, tell them about festivals and events Rewards/awards (non-sporty) Reminders about next sessions Send text/message if possible to say they have been missed 3 “The core” Involve them to events and festivals Provide more challenges Input into session planning, youth-led 4 “The dedicated” Provide responsibility 1-1 discussion, identify pathways, potential exit routes, leadership Become a buddy to those in group ‘1’ Able to ‘find their own way’ into activities, volunteering or officialdom Know your participants Use your data to tailor actions
Sessional Factors Which sport/activity Day/Time Venue type/location Which coach External Factors Weather Holidays What’s on TV/new ‘pulls’ Data tells you what, but may not explain why……may need to explore further Data to keep an eye on………
What are the limitations of data collection?
“ Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted ”. [Albert Einstein]
Data Limitations Data collection can provide very useful information and show trends but it will not explain why It will not identify why something is working well or not so well What is behind the data? What are the ‘life stories’? It can be hard to prove causality
What other information and feedback would be useful?
Other information Gather feedback: – Why is something working well – What are the success factors? – What have been the challenges – What could be done differently What are the ‘stories’ that bring the data to life? What progress or impact has the project made?
How to find out You may decide to conduct in-depth research But you can also gather useful feedback simply and cheaply Informal conversations Graffiti Boards Social Media Photo or Video Evidence Conducting interviews Ask young people to do ‘paired pal’ interviews Surveys Hold focus Groups Projective techniques
The Evidence section allows you to store various forms of information which demonstrate the impact and success of your work.
Wider project Aims You may need to collect other data or use progress ‘markers’: – Questionnaires or interviews (may be tailored to your project or national surveys like the GPAQ) – Evaluation tools (e.g. engagement ladders, Rickter Assessment, Outcomes star) – Partner data (e.g. crime stats, NEET records)
What other data tools may help?
Other data tools Sport England: Active People Interactive Market Segmentation Tool Local Area Profiles Local Economic Value of Sport Tool Other useful tools and websites: Neighbourhood Statistics Health Profiles Child Health profiles Crime data Poverty Are there others you find useful?
What to do with the data and evidence once it is collected
What to do with your data and evidence Review your progress internally Identify which sessions are working well and where changes/improvements may be needed – Act on it! Provide feedback on progress to everyone involved Use your data to show the value and impact of your project to partners, the wider community, funders and others Use your data and evidence to support the case for continued and increased levels of funding.
Build your project ‘story’ What have you learnt about: – Numbers attending, year-on-year growth – Key trends: can these guide future delivery/ investment – Your success in attracting key target groups – Your activities or growth in a particular sport – Your development of local capacity – Contributions towards physical activity targets – Contributions towards improving quality of life
Build your project ‘story’ Project Case studies – What has happened – What worked well – What have you learnt Individual ‘pen portraits’ – Progress of an individual participant, volunteer, leader or coach Other sources: – Do other partners have data or evidence which supports your work – Has there been any press or political interest? Use all your different sources to ‘tell the story’