Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close The Book Thief Point of View
Examining Point of View Definition—Vantage point from which the writer tells the story. Various points of views First person narrator Third person limited Third person omniscient
First Person Narrator is a character in the story. Only tells what that particular character knows or thinks. All of our information about the events in the story come from this one person.
Third Person Limited Is outside the story looking in. Is limited to what one character knows or thinks. Narrator zooms in on the thoughts and feelings of this one character.
Third Person Omniscient “all knowing” Is outside the story looking in (not in the story at all). Tells what any character knows or thinks. Can tell us the past, present, and future of all the characters.
Your Turn In small groups, examine your narrator(s). From what perspective are they telling the story? How does this impact the story? What are we able to learn because of the narrator’s perspective?