Brunswikian Lens Model A framework for the study of emotional communication
The Lens Model is used in several fields to study how observers correctly and incorrectly use objective cues to perceive physical or social reality physical or social environment observer (organism) cues cues have a probabilistic (uncertain) relation to the actual objects a (same) cue can signal several objects in the environment cues are (often) redundant
Lens model research Developed for the study of visual perception Brunswik (1956) Immediately applied to judgment analysis (decision making, medical diagnosis, weather forecast)Hammond (1955) Rapidly oriented towards interpersonal perception Interpersonal dispositions (dominant, extraverted, agreeable …) Gifford (1994) Intelligence Reynolds & Gifford (2001) RapportBernieri & Gillis (2001) Emotions (but only in music) Juslin (1998) Some authors introduced modified versions of the lens Scherer (1978)
Scherer, K. R. (1978). Personality inference from voice quality: The loud voice of extroversion. European Journal of Social Psychology, 8,
Expressed emotion Emotional attribution cues Emotional communication expressed anger ? encoderdecoder perception of anger? Vocal cues Facial cues Gestures Other cues … Loud voice High pitched Frown Clenched fists Shaking Example: Important issues : - To be measured, cues must be identified a priori - Inconsistencies on both sides (indiv. diff., broad categories) - Cue utilization could be different on the left and the right side (e.g. important cues not used)
Implications for HMI If matching is low… Expressed emotion Emotional attribution cues relation of the cues to the expressed emotion relation of the cues to the perceived emotion matching Automatic recognition system developers should focus on the relation of the cues to expressed emotion ECA developers should focus on the relation of the cues to the perceived emotion Important for ECAsImportant for Automatic Recog.. (… Mind individual differences) (… Mind broad/abstract categories)
Illustration of results A brunswikian Lens analysis of emotional communication… will be shown on Tanja’s poster for vocal expressions (acted emotions)