Sounds Produced by the Riverina Schools Project Partnership 2011
Mouth Shapes … mouth
Making Sounds ShortLon g Lou d Quie t Wind y Popp y
The sound ‘w’ How do we make this sound??? …mouth Loud Short
‘W’ words Water Window World Winter
‘W’ Picture Draw picture here
The sound ‘b’ How do we make this sound??? …mouth -Lips have to be pressed together Short Loud Pop py
‘B’ words Ball Baby Biscuit Bug
‘B’ Picture Draw picture here
The ‘th’ sound How do you make this sound??? … mouth Quiet Long Windy
‘th’ words Thumb Throw Three Throne
‘th’ picture Draw picture here
The sound ‘v’ How do you make this sound?? … mouth Teeth on bottom lip… no biting Loud Long Windy
‘v’ words Van Vampire Volcano Violin
‘V’ Pictures Draw picture here
The sound ‘l’ How do you say this sound??? … mouth Long Loud
‘l’ words Lady Leaf Lion Lane
‘L’ Pictures Draw picture here
The ‘s’ sound How do you make this sound??? … Mouth -Tongue is behind the top teeth Long Quiet Windy
‘s’ or ‘c’ Sometimes when we are spelling the ‘s’ sound can be found in words that start with a C. Some words are: CityCentipede Cent
‘s’ words Snake Celery Circus Soccer
‘s’ pictures Draw picture here
Revision Game What is the difference ???
Is the ‘W’ sound…? A) Loud or B) Quiet
Is the ‘B’ sound…? A)Windy or B)Poppy
Is the ‘TH’ sound…? A) Short or B) Long
Is the ‘V’ sound…? A) Quiet or B) Loud
Is the ‘L’ sound…? A) Long or B) Short
Is the ‘S’ sound…? A) Poppy or B) Windy