Writing Across the Curriculum The John Collins’ Writing Model encourages writing in all content areas. Students are asked to write often and for different purposes in reading, math, social studies, science, and other content areas. Each grade level is responsible for teaching specific forms of writing. Certain skills and writing conventions become part of the instruction for each form of writing. In this model, the expected learner outcomes become areas of focus for instruction. Hence, the term used within the program is “focus correction areas.” More information about the program is included in the following slides. Grade level forms of writing and focus correction areas for each form of writing is listed on the curriculum web page. A large majority of the writing is kept in school in writing folders. Teachers usually share them during conferences. Feel free to ask the teachers for more information.
Collins’ Writing Model: 5 Types of Writing Type 1: Captures Ideas Type 2: Respond Correctly Type 3: Edit for FCA’s Type 4: Peer Edit for FCA’s Type 5: Publish See pages 11-14, Developing ..,pass out additional examples.
Type 1 See Example A (Solve a Problem) & Example B (Clifford) Definition: informal writing to generate ideas, explore, or recall Characteristics: NO right or wrong answers “getting ideas on paper” phase of thinking and writing process similar to brainstorming and journal writing Quota, # of lines Timed ALWAYS GIVES IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK TO THE LEARNER. 3:00 Buddy, Read through Type 1 Prompts &Think/ Pair/ Share Break
Type 2 Type 1 & 2 are the aerobic exercise of writing & thinking. See Example G Lashona Definition: Shows the writer knows something about the topic Characteristics: Acceptable (correct) answer to prompt Uses: Write 3 things … Write a paragraph that tells 3 ways that …alike and 3 ways different …. Explain to me five different ways to count to 100. Type 1 & 2 are the aerobic exercise of writing & thinking.
Type 3 WHAT DID YOU FIND? (Reinforces criteria!) Definition: See Humor,Example H, Squeaky) Definition: More formal Has substantive content Meets up to three additional, specific standards Characteristics Writers,, create a draft, read it out loud in a one foot voice (Do NOT stop, put checkmarks at questionable areas), and review it to answer these questions: Does it sound right? Is it easy to read? Did I achieve my goals? Have I carefully checked for focus correction areas? Revising and editing are done on the first draft. WHAT DID YOU FIND? (Reinforces criteria!)
Type 4 Definition Characteristics Writing that has been read out loud. Boomerang papers: Revisiting past papers for new FCA’s. Definition Writing that has been read out loud. Critiqued by another person. Two drafts Characteristics Most effective & efficient of all of the types at improving writing skills. Summarize difference between Type 3 & Type 4.
Type 5 Definition Writing of publishable quality Multiple drafts Major project Characteristics The writing will be read by critical readers outside the classroom. The writing will be produced by students who are sufficiently skilled and motivated to produce multiple drafts. The writing will be created when there is sufficient time to devote to the project & when you can be available to help each writer.
Focus Correcting: Clarifies & Calibrates Focus Correcting leads to more focused teaching. What do I want my students to know and be able to do? It makes criteria public. Develop criteria (embedded assessment) Show them examples Have them explain their thinking!
What Makes a Difference? “Quantity ….. of writing experience.” “Quality …. of writing instruction.” CREATING A BALANCE!