cobra A big, scary snake coiled Wound around into a pile or a curl lame Threw with force into somethingplunged Unable to walk properly Victory; success mongoose A slender animal noted for its ability to kill poisonous snakes. scornfullyShowing contempt; mockingly singedBurned a little thunderclap brave; courageousvaliant triumph Drawing Conclusion A loud crash of thunder To figure out things about people or animals and what they do.
cobra A big, scary snake coiled Wound around into a pile or a curl lame Threw with force into something plunged Unable to walk properly Victory; success mongoose A slender animal noted for its ability to kill poisonous snakes. scornfully Showing contempt; mockingly singed Burned a little thunderclapbrave; courageous valiant triumph Drawing Conclusion A loud crash of thunder To figure out things about people or animals and what they do.
Wound around into a pile or a curl Threw with force into something Unable to walk properly A slender animal noted for its ability to kill poisonous snakes. Showing contempt; mockingly A loud crash of thunder To figure out things about people or animals and what they do. Name Burned a little Victory; success cobra valiant
cobra coiled lame plunged mongoose scornfully singed thunderclap valiant triumph Drawing Conclusion
cobra coiled lame plunged mongoose scornfully singed thunderclap valiant triumph Drawing Conclusion Name