Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund DIATOM EPIPHYTON as a tool for assessment of ecological status of lakes in the WEL basin Joanna Picińska-Fałtynowicz INSTITUTE OF METEOROLOGY AND WATER MANAGEMENT WROCŁAW BRANCH, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund MATERIAL Sampling campaign – September 2009 Community – epiphyton, mainly from reed A total of 15 samples were taken
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund MULTIMTRIC DIATOM INDEX IOJ FOR LAKES TJ = (TJ i *wTJ i *L i )/wTJ i *L i where: TJ i – trophic value (optimum) of i-taxon, range: 0 – 10 [Schaumburg et al. 2007, modified]; wTJ i – weight value (tolerance) of i-taxon, range 1– 3; L i – relative abundance of i-taxon in a sample (among diatom valves counted), Multimetric diatom index IOJ for lakes is composed of two modules: Trophic Index TJ and Reference Species module GR. TROPHIC INDEX: REFERENCE SPECIES MODULE GR: GR J = tR i where: tR i –relative abundance of i- reference taxon in a sample (number of valves of i- reference taxon per number of all valves counted); GR J values: 1 (all taxa are reference) – 0 (none taxon is reference)
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Z TJ = 1–((TJ*0,1) where: Z TJ – transformed index TJ; TJ – Trophic Index Z TJ values:1 (best) – 0 (worst) MULTIMTRIC DIATOM INDEX IOJ FOR LAKES Transformation of TJ into a scale: 1 – 0 IOJ = 0,6*Z TJ + 0,4*G R J IOJ varies from 1 (best ecological status) do 0 (worst status) Multimetric diatom index IOJ for lakes
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund MULTIMTRIC DIATOM INDEX IOJ FOR LAKES CLASS BOUNDARIES according to IOJ for all Polish lake types ECOLOGICAL STATUS IOJ High> 0,80 Good 0,60 Moderate 0,40 Poor 0,15 Bad< 0,15
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Site Code Conduct 25 o C pH TOCDOCPtotRSPN-NO 3 NO 2 +NO 3 N-N 2 SiO 2 HardnessCaChloridesColor S/cm pHmg/l mg/l PO 4 mg/l N mg/l mgCaCO 3 / l mg/l HAZE N LI-J ,137,906,010,0690,0270,040,050,0077, ,626 LI-J ,347,375,730,0780,0130,02 0,0057, DW-J ,196,625,420,0550,0270,01 0,0043, DW-J ,209,227,000,0420,0070,01 0,0055, GJ-J ,278,678,490,1310,0910,01 0,0047, GJ-J ,279,957,980,1160,0430,000,010,0068, ,427 DM-J ,077,505,110,0430,0780,01 0,0035, DM-J ,137,185,600,0470,0190,02 0,0035, ,914 RU-J ,176,854,930,1440,1700,02 0,00310, ,910 RU-J ,155,822,230,2900,2250,02 0,00311, ,112 HA-J ,399,614,800,0980,0300,02 0,0058, ,117 TA-J ,398,086,250,1450,0320,010,020,00613, ,629 ZR-J ,109,066,300,1060,0210,01 0,0059, ,612 ZW-J ,285,984,050,1300,0400,000,010,00814,814148<527 KI-J ,924,183,230,0940,1400,03 0,0034, <56 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL VARIABLES OF LAKES WATER RESULTS
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund RESULTS LakeTypeSiteDateTJGR IOJ STATUS DĄBROWA MAŁA 13ast 1September 20091,860,84 0,82 HIGH DĄBROWA MAŁA 2 st 2September 20091,890,82 HIGH DĄBROWA WIELKA 12ast 1September 20092,430,67 0,72 GOOD DĄBROWA WIELKA 2 st 2September 20092,820,60 0,67 GOOD GRĄDY 13ast 1September 20091,540,87 0,85 HIGH GRĄDY 2 st 2September 20092,420,70 0,73 GOOD HARTOWIECKIE3bst 1September 20092,050,75 0,78 GOOD KIEŁPIŃSKIE3a September 20092,620,61 0,69 GOOD LIDZBARSKIE 13ast 1September 20092,600,56 0,67 GOOD LIDZBARSKIE 2 st 2September 20092,380,53 0,67 GOOD RUMIAN 13ast 1September 20092,610,65 0,70 GOOD RUMIAN 2 st 2September 20092,770,64 0,69 GOOD TARCZYŃSKIE3b September 20093,060,37 0,56 MODERATE ZARYBINEK3b September 20092,770,39 0,59 MODERATE ZWINIARZ3b September 20091,560,86 0,85 HIGH NELIWA2b July20090,760,91 0,92 HIGH WLECZ2a July 20091,310,94 0,90 HIGH Assessment of ecological status of lakes in the Wel basin according to IOJ index values
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund RESULTS Relative abundance [%] of dominant diatom species in lakes with HIGH ecological status Lakes TaksonDM 01DM 02GR 01ZWNELIWAWLECZ Achnanthidium minutissimum26,427,133,859,65,37,5 Cymbella affinis+ + 2,20,9 11,01,2 Cymbella caespitosa1,0 1,12,40.919,0 Cymbella cesatii 3,1 Cymbella cymbiformis2,71,92,2 3,10,9 Cymbella leptoceros3,51,0+ 0,9+ Cymbella microcephala8,73,818,54,39,933,6 Epithemia adnata5,214,62,22,6 4,0 Epithemia sorex15,35,32,4+ 6,5 Gomphonema lateripunctatum 27,2 Gomphonema minusculum7,53,111,29,95,53,4 Navicula cryptotenella2,06,21, Navicula cryptotenelloides5,51, ,8 Nitzschia fonticola+ 1,42,21,1
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund RESULTS Relative abundance [%] of dominant diatom species in lakes with GOOD ecological status Lakes TaksonDW 01DW 02GR 02KIELI 01LI 02RU 01RU 02HA Achnanthidium minutissimum 19,126,7 14,3 Amphora pediculus 1,3 7,21,36,9 Cocconeis placentula v. euglypta 3,5 1,8 Cocconeis placentula v. lineata2,91,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 Cymbella affinis Cymbella caespitosa 1,1 1,32,91,81,0 Cymbella cistula2,2 1,2 1,41,23,4 Cymbella cymbiformis 1,5 1,3 Cymbella excisa 5,2 2,0 Cymbella microcephala 2,65,4 4,44,01,0 11,5 Cymbella ventricosa 2,91,02,61,2 Epithemia adnata22,230,715,313,52,3 10,57,89,3 Epithemia sorex18,411,016,530,6 23,842,66,3 Epithemia turgida2,51,32,913,3 2,92,4 Gomphonema minusculum4,03,53,4 1,31,53,21,66,3 Gomphonema parvulum 1,71,2 1,82,21,45,31,0 Gomphonema pumilum11,96,14,7 1,65,54,06,03,2 Gomphonema truncatum3,12,16,6 5,54,42,11,01,2 Navicula cryptotenella Navicula cryptotenelloides0,9 3,42,6 1,82,20,82,6 Nitzschia fonticola2,03,05,2 15,14,44,810,74,2 Nitzschia radicula 1,8 7,5 Rhopalodia gibba 2,15,15,2 1,2
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund RESULTS Relative abundance [%] of dominant diatom species in lakes with MODERATE ecological status Lakes TaksonTARCZYNZARYB Achnanthidium minutissimum6,75,5 Cymbella caespitosa 1,4 Cymbella cistula2,71,2 Cymbella cymbiformis1,63,2 Cymbella microcephala 2,0 Cymbella ventricosa4,32,6 Epithemia adnata1,16,1 Epithemia sorex2,12,6 Fragilaria brevistriata2,725,5 Fragilaria construens2,47,1 Fragilaria pinnata 4,3 Gomphonema acuminatum8,3 Gomphonema minusculum1,32,0 Gomphonema pumilum4,06,9 Gomphonema truncatum9,4 Navicula cryptotenella3,7 Navicula cryptotenelloides 1,6 Navicula tripunctata2,9 Nitzschia dissipata2,7 Nitzschia fonticola11,55,9 Nitzschia paleacea 1,8 Nitzschia radicula5,9
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Thank you for your attention !