Purchasing lottery tickets and being rewarded with money is being reinforced on what kind of schedule?
Dolphins in an aquarium will repeat behaviors, such as jumping and spinning, that prompt trainers to toss them a fish. What type of learning(as in a type of conditioning) are these dolphins demonstrating?
Operant conditioning
Albert Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment demonstrated what kind of learning?
The more often Matthew is scolded following a temper tantrum, the more frequently he loses his temper. In this case, the scolding is what kind of reinforcement or punishment for Matthew’s temper tantrums?
Positive reinforcement
What does the word “unconditioned” mean?
An executive in a computer software firm works with his office door closed. At the same time every hour he opens the door to see what his employees are doing. The employees have learned to work especially hard during the five minutes before and while the door is open. Their work pattern is typical of responses that are reinforced on what kind of schedule?
In Pavlov’s experiments, the dog’s salivation triggered by the taste of food was which of the four elements of classical conditioning?
Unconditioned response
In Pavlov’s experiments, the dog’s salivation triggered by the sound of the tone was which of the four elements of classical conditioning?
Conditioned response
Researchers condition a flatworm to contract its body to a light by repeatedly pairing the light with electric shock. What is the stage in which the flatworm’s contraction response to light is established and gradually strengthened?
A teacher gives her students pop quizzes at unpredictable times throughout the year. Studying will be reinforced on what kind of schedule?
After Pavlov had conditioned a dog to salivate to a tone, he repeatedly sounded the tone without presenting the food. What phenomenon would occur?
Monica’s psychotherapist reminds her so much of her own father that she has many of the same mixed emotional reactions to him that she has to her own dad. Her reactions to her therapist best illustrate the importance of what classical conditioning phenomenon?
To teach an animal to perform a complex sequence of behaviors, animal trainers are most likely to use a procedure known as what?
In the book, Brave New World, infants develop a fear of books after books are repeatedly presented with a loud noise. In this fictional example, the loud noise is which of the four elements of classical conditioning?
Unconditioned stimulus
Because Mom always picked up her newborn when she cried, her daughter is now a crybaby. Picking up the baby was what kind of reinforcement or punishment for crying?
Positive reinforcement
Escaping from an aversive stimulus is what kind of reinforcer?
If running reduces stress, running is what kind of reinforcer?
A fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement is when a response is reinforced after what?
Specified number of responses
Asking for a raise is most likely to be reinforced on what kind of schedule?
In a variable-interval schedule of reinforcement, the response is reinforced after what?
An unpredictable period of time has passed
Taking away a driver’s license after drunk driving is intended to serve as what?
Negative punishment
Which do psychologists recommend in raising children: reinforcement or punishment?
What is the desire to engage in an activity for the sake of its own enjoyment?
Internal/Intrinsic motivation
A teacher has improved student effectiveness by occasionally sending notes of appreciation to her hard- working students. The teacher has improved productivity through what kind of conditioning?
Coffee shops that reward customers with one free cup of coffee after every ten coffee purchases are using what kind of reinforcement schedule?
The last time you came home after your curfew, your parents grounded you for the next two weekends. Ever since then, you’ve been careful to come home on time. What type of conditioning explains your behavior?
Operant conditioning
Give an example of a fixed-interval schedule.
Monthly paycheck; weekly quiz
On Monday, Johnny’s mom gave him cookies and milk after he had played quietly for 10 minutes. On Tuesday, she required 20 minutes of quiet play before treat time, and on Wednesday, the cookies were given only after a full hour of quiet play. Johnny was taught to play quietly for extended periods of time through what technique?
What is the difference between reinforcement and punishment?
Reinforcement increases behavior; punishment decreases behavior
What is the reappearance, after a time lapse, of an extinguished CR?
Spontaneous recovery
A stimulus that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response is a what?
Negative reinforcer
Jacqueline is attracted to her handsome boyfriend but not to her equally handsome brother. This illustrates which classical conditioning phenomenon?
A manuscript editor is paid $25 for every three pages she edits. The company is using what kind of reinforcement schedule?
What researcher is most closely associated with classical conditioning?
Ivan Pavlov
Pets that learn that the sound of an electric can opener signals the arrival of their food illustrates what method of learning?
Classical conditioning
A student who loves to read and look up the meaning of words she does not know is promised a gold star for every time she learns a new word. The student displays what type of motivation?
Give an example of a variable-ratio schedule
Slot machine; fishing
What is the difference between classical and operant conditioning?
Classical = uncontrolled; operant = controlled