Andrew Read-Fuller, DDS ASDA Western Regional Meeting November 5, 2011
Before you apply… The application process After interviews are over
Extracurricular activities Board Exam/Standardized Tests Externships
NBDE: Pass/Fail GRE NBME “Specialty” Test
Typically 1-4 weeks Direct patient care vs. Observation OMS: essentially required, optional for other specialties Consider geography
What are programs looking for? Letters of recommendation Personal statement Making your CV Personal Potential Index (PPI) Postdoctoral Application Support Service (PASS) Choosing where to apply Interviews
Source: ADEA FADEA Survey
WHO? Faculty who know you and have worked with you in a clinical setting Academics in your specialty of interest (especially OMS) “Department” Letter “Dean’s” Letter
Highlight accomplishments, not just leadership positions Appropriate font/formatting Beware appropriate length limits Get help from someone with experience!
New this year on PASS Existed previously for graduate school applications Evaluation on six categories Importance to program directors (?)
Intended to make life easier Restrictive limits in certain categories Beware application “deadlines” Search program websites to assure accurate application requirements
2 x 2 photo Application fee CV Copy of board scores Printed letters of recommendation Supplemental application materials
MYTH #1: Interviews are always one-on-one. REALITY: Group or “panel” style is common.
MYTH #2: The interview stops once you leave the room. REALITY: You’re being interviewed until you match.
MYTH #3: Only faculty will interview you. REALITY: Residents, staff, etc. are all important. (see myth #2)
MYTH #4: This won’t be like dental school interviews. Questions will all be substantive. REALITY: Be ready for anything!
MYTH #5: The interviewer asks all the questions. REALITY: You’d better have some questions ready too!
Common Questions: Why OMS/orthodontics/endodontics? Where else are you applying? Why our program? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What is your greatest weakness? What is your greatest strength? Do you have any questions for me?
REMEMBER… Your goal: be their #1 rank “I really want to go to your program”
Thank-you notes: be flattering The MATCH Wrapping-up dental school Regional board exams (now is the time) Finishing graduation requirements
OMS, GPR/AEGD, Ortho, pediatrics, anesthesia ALWAYS favors the applicant (rank ‘em how you like ‘em) Rank every program (unless you’d rather not get in at all)
Include all other specialties (endo, perio, etc.) as well as some ortho programs Be prepared to make a quick decision!