Accessibility Resources Test Accommodations: A Step-by-Step Guide for Faculty University at Buffalo 25 Capen Hall Buffalo, NY (716)
Welcome to the Testing Accommodations Guide for faculty and instructors. Here you will learn how to support students using accommodations in the Accessibility Resources (A.R.) Testing Center. These step by step instructions will lead you from the Student Memo to proctoring exams. Welcome to the Testing Accommodations Guide for faculty and instructors. Here you will learn how to support students using accommodations in the Accessibility Resources (A.R.) Testing Center. These step by step instructions will lead you from the Student Memo to proctoring exams. WELCOME! picture of welcome mat
Overview Our Testing Center hosts exams for instructors when arrangements cannot be made directly between the instructor and the student. A.R. supports students and instructors working closely to make any arrangements regarding exams and accommodations. This guide will walk faculty through the process needed to provide accommodations at the Accessibility Resources Testing Center If arrangements outside of A.R. for accommodations are mutually agreed upon by the student and the faculty, no further measures with A.R. need to be addressed unless a complication arises and support is needed.
Collaboration Student A.R. Staff Faculty/ Instructor Accommodations are most successful when students and faculty are able to work together, supported by the Accessibility Resources staff.
Student Responsibilities Students are encouraged to inform instructors in a timely manner that they have accommodations. 1. Students are encouraged to inform instructors in a timely manner that they have accommodations. 2. It is strongly suggested students and faculty meet to discuss how accommodations are to be implemented. This is very important for the future to work with your student for scheduling exams, tests and quizzes. Students that receive additional time often have testing conflicts. 3. After you and the student have agreed upon a date and time they should be taking their exam, test or quiz, they will make a testing appointment with A.R. at least 3 business days prior to that date.
When a student approaches you with a memo, we encourage you to meet with the student to discuss the following: When a student approaches you with a memo, we encourage you to meet with the student to discuss the following: Can you provide the accommodation without AR? If an alternate exam time is needed due to class conflicts, how will this be arranged? Discuss policy on make-up exams Instructor/Faculty Responsibilities
Ideally, Instructors receive reminder s once the student makes the testing appointment. If you haven’t received a reminder but a student gave you their Accommodation Memo, please deliver a test to A.R.
Faculty/Instructor Responsibilities The test, exam or quiz should arrive at A.R. at least 24 hours before the scheduled time. The test can be delivered via: Hand Delivered Hand Delivered Campus Mailed Campus Mailed Fax (not recommended) Fax (not recommended) **If the student has “Reader/TTS” or “Scribe/Speech Recognition” as an accommodation, it is requested that the exam be delivered in Microsoft Word format, either through or on a portable jump drive**
What information does A.R. need for the exam? When sending your exam, please let us know the following information: Course The date & time that the class is taking the test Approved exam materials, such as: o Calculator o Dictionary o Open book o Scantron, blue book o Nothing allowed Method of return (with address): o Pick Up (most secure) o o Fax o Campus/US Mail
***End of the Semester Reservations*** Students may contact you to find out their final exam dates before you have them posted. Our office requires students to sign up for exams approximately 3-4 weeks before final exams begin.
Proctored exams in Accessibility Resources All university exam policies are followed All university exam policies are followed Students are asked to leave cell phones, coats, and backpacks with the proctor Students are asked to leave cell phones, coats, and backpacks with the proctor A proctor monitors exams at all times A proctor monitors exams at all times If you have any questions, please contact Emily Tennant-Koller, Exam & Classroom Support Coordinator at (716) or If you have any questions, please contact Emily Tennant-Koller, Exam & Classroom Support Coordinator at (716) or All university exam policies are followed All university exam policies are followed Students are asked to leave cell phones, coats, and backpacks with the proctor Students are asked to leave cell phones, coats, and backpacks with the proctor A proctor monitors exams at all times A proctor monitors exams at all times If you have any questions, please contact Emily Tennant-Koller, Exam & Classroom Support Coordinator at (716) or If you have any questions, please contact Emily Tennant-Koller, Exam & Classroom Support Coordinator at (716) or
Special Note for Instructors Students can utilize their accommodations for any timed, graded assessment, including Pop Quizzes and “Clicker” assessments. Please contact our office if you’d like assistance with these, or any, accommodations. Students can utilize their accommodations for any timed, graded assessment, including Pop Quizzes and “Clicker” assessments. Please contact our office if you’d like assistance with these, or any, accommodations. The most secure method of Exam return is pick up The most secure method of Exam return is pick up
If questions arise regarding accommodations and/or services contact Accessibility Resources at or