Ten Worst Behaviors That Will Get You Fired ! Dr. Levinson, WBL Coordinator
Behaviors Pre-Test Multiple Choice Question… 1. Making personal phone calls at work is ok if: a) One uses their own Phone b) One uses the office phone c) One only makes a two minute phone call d) None of the above 2. You should use work supplies for a)Personal Use b) Work related tasks c) Home related tasks d) All of the above
Behaviors Pre-Test 3. Once you have a job, you should dress: a) Any way you’d like b) Like you’re going to the beach c) Professionally d) None of the above 4) One should use their sick days because: a) You’re entitled to them b) You have run out of personal days c)You have a contagious illness d) You need them to take a vacation
Behaviors Pre-Test 5. If harassed on the job one should: a) Threaten their co-workers b) Use inappropriate language c) Avoid the compromising situation d) Report the inappropriate behavior to a supervisor
1. Poor Performance Failure to complete tasks on time Inadequate or sloppy work What can you do? Ensure you know expectations Ask for concrete measurements
2. Bad Attitude Inability to get along with co-workers Making negative comments Bad-mouthing the boss What can you do? Work through problems Be optimistic about changes Discuss issues with co-workers/ manager
Improving a Bad Attitude! What can you do? Work through problems Be optimistic about changes Discuss issues with co-workers/ manager
3. Stealing Taking money or company property Using company supplies for personal use Leaving work early without asking permission is considered stealing
Avoiding Issues of Stealing: What can you do? Never “borrow” company property without permission Use company supplies for work purposes only
4. Harassment Making threats to co-workers Making inappropriate sexual contact, jokes, innuendos What can you do? Avoid compromising situations Say no to any inappropriate words or actions Report inappropriate behavior
5. Inappropriate Dress Showing too much “skin” Dressing for the “beach or bedtime” Tattoos and piercings What can you do?
Dressing Appropriate Dress as your manager or co-workers dress (dress for the job you want) Cover tattoos and piercings
Inappropriate Dress
6. Excessive Absences More than 5 sick days per year Consistent Monday or Friday absences Using sick days as personal days What can you do? Take sick days for contagious illness Eat well, exercise, get enough sleep
7. Misuse of Computer Surfing the Web Personal s Online shopping What can you do? Use computer for work-related activity Use home computer for shopping, personal
8. Personal Phone Calls Taking personal calls during work time Calls from company phone or personal cell phone What can you do? Make plans/arrangements prior to work Make/take calls during break time using cell phone
9. Late for work 5 minutes or more late for work Leaving work early without permission Frequently asking for late arrival/ early dismissal What can you do? Wake up earlier, leave for work earlier Call your manager if you must be late
10. Lying on Resume or Application Embellishing accomplishments or skills Altering dates, key information Lying about education What can you do? Be completely honest about skills and accomplishments Research dates and key information
Behaviors Post-Test Write a reason why each of these behaviors could get you fired… 1. Misuse of computer 2. Personal phone calls 3. Bad attitude 4. Poor performance 5. Stealing 6. Inappropriate dress
Behaviors Homework Part 1: Interview a relative or friend and ask... (write down your responses) 1. What other behaviors could result in someone being fired? 2. Do they have any stories to share about good or bad employee behavior? Part 2: Name 5 positive employee behaviors
Behaviors Post-Test Multiple Choice Question… 1. Making a personal phone call at work is ok if: a) a) One uses their own phone b) b) One uses the office phone c) c) One only makes a two minute phone call d) d) None of the above
2. You should use work supplies for: a) Personal Usea) b) Work related tasksb) c) Home related tasksc) d) All of the aboved)
Behaviors Post-Test 3. Once you have a job, you should dress: a) a) Any way you’d like b) b) Like you’re going to the beach c) c) Professionally d) d) None of the above
4. One should use their sick days because: a) a) You’re entitled to them b) You have run out of personal days c)You have a contagious illness d) You need them to take a vacation b) c) d)
Behaviors Post-Test 5. If harassed on the job one should: a) Threaten their co-workersa) b) Use inappropriate languageb) c) Avoid the compromising situationc) d) Report the inappropriate behavior to a supervisord)