Advanced Searching Engineering Village
Agenda What is Engineering Village? Setting up a personal account How to search Engineering Village How to use search results intelligently How to use the Ei Thesaurus
About Engineering Village Engineering Village is a discovery platform where researchers can search multiple databases containing a range of reliable sources: Premium bibliographic databases Reference databases Patent databases Engineering news and more
Getting Started: Personal Account Use Personal Account to : Set up and RSS alerts Tag Records Create groups Save records and searches Register to create your personal account
Quick Search Select the database(s) you’d like to search Stuck? View search tips or Context specific help Enter keyword and select search field Select limit and search options
Expert Search Browse indexes to locate precise terms Use large term entry space for command line query building Define fields using search codes
Managing search results Results Manager: -Select records -Choose display format -Save, , print, or download results View results count and sort results Link to full-text on publisher site (when available)
Too Many Results? Limit by field, document type, treatment type, publication years, language, etc. Check thesaurus – try narrower terms Try autostemming off Truncate with care Cat* cat, catalyst, catapults, caterpillar, etc. Use boolean connector Quickly and easily refine searches using facets
Faceted Search Results Facets include: Database (when searching multiple) Author name Author affiliation Controlled Vocabulary Year Language Classification Codes And more Select terms to include or exclude from search to intelligently refine results View record counts within facets and exports to a chart to analyze trends in results
Including & Excluding Terms from Facets Including Terms Excluding Terms “+” sign appears between intitial keyword and terms included from facets “-” sign appears between initial keyword and terms included from facets
Not enough results? Click thesaurus for broader terms, synonyms, term variations, irregular forms, etc. Link via Fi main headings or classification codes Browse indexes for variants of author names, etc. Turn autostemming on Use truncation ( * ) for simple plurals “Quick and dirty” search for a few good articles; they scan indexing for subject headings Use Boolean correctors
The Ei Thesaurus Records on Engineering Village are indexed according to the Ei Thesaurus controlled vocabulary. The thesaurus is updated annually, so it includes the most current terminology available. Also, since the thesauri have evolved over time, this function can be used to trace the usage of controlled terms. The thesaurus function allows you to identify controlled vocabulary terms, find synonyms and related terms and improve your search strategy with suggested and narrower terms.
Thesaurus Click terms to see Thesaurus details. Select terms to include in search Thesaurus Options: - Select “Search” to search any terms - Select “Exact Term” to find Thesaurus details for a known Ei controlled term - Select “Browse” to scan an alphabetical list of index terms
Thesaurus Click on to see more Information about the term Selected thesaurus terms are automatically added to your search form
Other features In addition to the features reviewed today, Engineering Village offers: Expert searching with Boolean Operators Saved record folders Linking to OpenURL resolvers Linking to document delivery services Ask an expert RSS feeds Blog This!
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) What is RSS? An XML format for distributing content on the internet Also known as syndication Why is RSS Important? Content is delivered to the reader as it is updated Better focus on the content by avoiding distractions such as pop-up advertisements and spam Set up alerts so you’re notified any time a new record that fits your search criteria is added to the database
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Copy the link provided and paste it in your RSS Aggregator to receive alerts Click the RSS icon if you’d like to be updated when new records are added that fit the search criteria.
RSS Feed From Engineering Village Give the post a title Paste url from box on Engineering Village
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Blog This Link from a blog to a record of interest on Engineering Village Create current awareness by highlighting new publications in a popular subject area Create a forum from which to collaborate with colleagues in your area of research Share information with an audience outside your organization
Blog This Copy the code from this box in the screen that appears and paste it into your blog post. Click the “Blog This” button in the record’s abstract or detailed view.
Blog a Record Once published, the title will link to the record’s abstract. Publish Paste the link from the Engineering Village’s “Blog This” Box Give the post a title
Create Groups Share records with a group, your institution, or the entire Engineering Village community
Tag Records Search other users’ tags to gain new perspectives Tag records with keywords for easy retrieval or to share with other users