Problem 1 We need more people / women / minorities with training in science, engineering and mathematics. Meet growing demands of private and public sectors as baby boomers retire Maintain economic growth and standard of living in a flat world
Problem 2 We need more highly qualified high school physics teachers. Physics is a prerequisite for study and careers in the physical sciences, engineering, medicine... Physics access and upward socioeconomic mobility. Only 1/3 of US students take physics. Only 1/3 of their physics teachers have physics or physics ed degrees. The “Pipeline” problem
PhysTEC APS and AIP sponsored, NSF funded >100 colleges and universities are now members In 2007 Cornell became one of four new Primary Program Institutions ($$). 3 year seed grant. Physics Teacher in Residence: Marty Alderman Program Coordinator: Sam Portnoff
Why Should Cornell Care About Physics Teacher Preparation? We want: The best prepared incoming freshman and graduate students A larger fraction of women and minority majors and graduate students A larger fraction of women and minority faculty
How Well Are We Doing? At current teacher attrition rates, number of physics teachers Cornell must produce each year just to train our incoming freshman class: ~ 3 per year
How Well Are We Doing? At current teacher attrition rates, number of physics teachers Cornell must produce each year just to train our incoming freshman class: ~ 3 per year Actual production: ~0.7 per year
How Well Are We Doing? At current teacher attrition rates, number of physics teachers Cornell must produce each year just to train our incoming freshman class: ~ 3 per year Actual production: ~0.7 per year We aren’t even “physics teacher-neutral”.
The PhysTEC Program Recruiting Undergraduate Course Reform Early Field Experience Mentoring and Induction Evaluation
Recruiting Physics teachers start as physics majors Double the number of physics majors! Pre-admission recruiting Illinois model; “This is Physics” Recruiting from our intro courses Only 2% of students who take our intro physics courses become majors Personal touch is key! “I think you’d make a good physics major.”
Recruiting Physics “Electronic Billboard” near Schwartz / Rock B Active SPS (Julia Thom and Rich Galik) Success as a physics major is a house of many rooms, not a ladder of infinite rungs. Revised course catalog entry emphasizing outside concentration options.
Teacher Ed Recruiting Targets: Physics, AEP, Astro and Engineering undergraduate and graduate students Personal touch is key! “I think you’d make a good physics teacher.” Meetings/coordination with engineering, departmental advisors Learning Assistant (LA) Program
Changing the Conversation Interesting Work Having an Inpact Control of Work Sufficient Income Quality Benefits Secure Benefits Job Security Location Choice Vacation Time Flexible Time Compatible w/ Family Status Pension Opportunities For Advancement Work Load Choosing a Career: Teaching as one of your careers
How you can help Encourage your undergraduates to consider the physics major physics teaching Convey enthusiasm about Physics and Teaching Careers to all your students Identify good Learning Assistant and teacher ed candidates among undergrads and grads
How PhysTEC can help you Broader Impacts on your NSF proposals Training in teaching for graduate fellowship proposals