is provided every Sunday from 9:30 AM – noon for newborns to age four. Rebecca Roberson, Coordinator
Please remember to sign-in using our red weekly attendance pads. Thank you!
Sanctuary Flowers The altar flowers are presented to the Glory of God.
STEPHEN MINISTRY training will begin in a few weeks. We are currently gathering names of anyone interested in participating in the training. For additional information or to sign up for training, please contact either Pastor Baker or Ann Thompson.
COMPUTER FUNDRAISER COLLECTION Weekday Nursery School is collecting used computers, monitors, keyboards, etc., to recycle as a fundraiser for the nursery school. If you have any computer items you’d like to donate, please put them in the box in the Church’s lobby.
CHURCH MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY It is time to update the Church’s membership directory (last one was done six years ago!). A volunteer(s) is needed to serve as the focal point with the photography company and to form a committee to work on the directory. If you are interested in heading up this project, please contact Pastor Baker. We would like to have the new directory available by early spring 2013.
Liturgists Needed Liturgists are need to participate in liturgical reading for all three services. Youth are invited to participate. Please speak with Pastor Baker if you are interested in singing up for this important part of worship.
Acolytes- Please Sign Up Acolytes are needed for the 9:30 and 11:00 services each Sunday from September through December. This will include Christmas Eve services at 7:00 p.m., 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. Anyone (all ages included) interested in lighting the candles on Sunday mornings for either service are welcome. If you’d like to serve as an acolyte, contact Robin Hirsch at
FIT FOR GOD: Support/Study Group Join us as we journey through scripture and Biblical references that transforms the way we look at our bodies and physical fitness. Attendees are encouraged to set personal goals to improve their health or fitness levels. Please see Kathleen if you would like to purchase a book.“Fit for God Support Group” starts on Tuesday, September 4 from 6:30-7:30. Contact: Leslie Baker, to register or for additional information.
2012 FALL BAZAAR AND SUPPER PLANNING MEETING WUMC’s BIG fundraiser this year is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, October 5 and 6 from 3p.m to 7 p.m. Now is the time to begin making crafts to be sold at our craft table. Each family will be solicited in September for homemade cakes, pies, cookies, candies, or for cash donations. For those chairpersons in charge of each department, we will hold a one-hour meeting in the Church Library on Tuesday, September 4 at 7 p.m.
"Camp Sunrise" FUNDRAISER Emily Zimmerman is organizing a Basket Bingo for Sunday, September 30, Proceeds will benefit the John Hopkins "Camp Sunrise", a week long Summer camp for pediatric cancer patients. The event will be held at the Frederick Elks Lodge. Doors will open at Noon. If you would like to sponsor a basket, fill a basket, make a monetary donation, or volunteer, please call Emily at or her at
Upcoming Events October 5-6, 3-7 p.m. Annual Turkey, Oyster, and Ham dinner at WUMC Georgetown Hall. October 20, 8:30 a.m. Annual Children’s Consignment Sale at WUMC. Contact Barb Tice or Sandy Gibson for info. October a.m Charge Conference. Jackson Chapel UMC, 5609 Ballenger Creek Pike, Frederick, MD October 27, all day. Community Festival at WUMC. Contact Wanda Heurich for info.
WUMC Facebook Page John Grimes takes care of the Church’s Face Book. From John: "For all you Face Book(ers) out there... Visit our page and click "like"! Join us!”
Want an announcement added to the slide show? Please Contact Mitch Woolley at: Or Myesha White at: