Welcome eager young artists! Ms. Edelman Saturday, May 09, 2015 DO NOW: take out your notebook and a pen. Review your notes from yesterday.
What is an ADJUSTMENT LAYER? A special layer whose sole purpose is to modify (“adjust”) the appearance of another layer. Adjusts without actually changing the pixels in the layer (Non destructive editing). Can be removed and restors the underlying layer to its original state.
Why use adjustment layers? 1. Never alter the pixels in the layers you adjust, so you can change, hide, or remove the effects of the adjustment at any time without degrading the pixels in the original layer. 2. Enable you to MASK where to reveal (and conceal) the effects of an adjustment throughout each specific layer. 3. Alter the settings in your adjustment layers at any time. If you don’t use adjustment layers, you’d have to step back through your History, erasing all the other changes you made after making that initial adjustment.
How do I make an adjustment layer? 1. Select the layer that you’d like to adjust. 2. Click on the Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer icon located at the bottom of the Layers palette. Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer
How do I use an adjustment layer? 3. In the menu that appears, select the adjustment that you’d like to make (Photoshop CS5 has 18 adjustments). 4. In the dialog box that appears, specify the settings of the adjustment that you prefer and click OK.
How do I modify an adjustment layer? Use the brush and selection tools to paint in the mask layer as normal. BLACK is MASKED and not effected by the filter. The effect will “show through” WHITE.
Double click the layer adjustment icon to open the ADJUSTMENTS palette. All adjustment controls match their original menu dialogs. Click the multi layer icon to effect all layers below or single layer only.
The adjustment palette also lists all adjustments with many presets. Multiple adjustment layers can be applied to a single layer.
How many kinds of masks are there? 1. Adjustment Layer Layer Mask Thumbnail 2. Layer Mask 3. Vector Mask
EXERCISE: 1. Copy the 31-Cats folder to your flash drive. 2. Choose one image to modify. 3. Create at least 3 different adjustment layers. 4. Save your file as: yourname_cat adjustment.psd