Idaho Graduates in the class of 2014 4,085 Idaho public school students achieved PSAT scores that indicated they had at least a 60 percent chance of scoring 3+ on at least one AP Exam. However only 40% of these students took at least one AP Exam that matched their abilities. 1,654 students with AP Potential participated in at least one matched AP exam. 2,431 students with AP Potential did not participate in at least one matched AP exam.
PSAT Results: AP Potential
AP Potential™ A free, Web-based tool, AP Potential: Maximizes the value of PSAT/NMSQT® results Is based on a research sample of more than 1.8M students Systematically identifies students capable of succeeding in rigorous AP® courses AP Potential™ helps schools grow their AP® programs by identifying students who may be ready for the challenge and rigor of AP. Free and easy to use, this powerful tool expands access to AP and ensures that no student with the potential to succeed is overlooked. Based on research that shows strong correlations between PSAT/NMSQT scores and AP Exam results, AP Potential is the only tool designed by the maker of AP exams that helps you cast a wider net, maximize student achievement and expand your AP program.
AP Potential™ Benefits Easy-to-use Lets educators select AP® course and criteria Generates rosters of students likely to score a 3 or higher on a given AP Exam Available for 23 AP Courses It’s easy to use. Just access the AP Potential portal online and automatically generate rosters of students likely to score a 3 or higher on a given AP exam.
AP Potential™ Benefits Increases access to AP ® Helps ensure that no student with the chance to succeed in AP is overlooked Enhances a school’s existing process for identifying students for AP courses Helps educators decide which AP courses to offer AP Potential increases access to AP rigor. With AP Potential, you can cast a wider net and helps ensure that no student with potential to excel in AP course work is overlooked. It also helps your school determine which AP courses to offer—based on student aptitude and interest.
Signing in to AP Potential: To use AP Potential, first go to and sign in using your College Board user name and password. If you don’t have a College Board account, you must create one.
Signing in to AP Potential: The next step is to enter your school’s AP Potential access code. Access codes are on the top right corner of the Roster of Student Scores and Plans. Your roster is delivered in December with your score reports. Enter access code here
AP Potential Expectancy Tables See the scores that correlate to probabilities of success in AP Biology. E.g. students who score 114 in Critical Reading and Math have 60% chance or greater of earning 3 or better in AP Biology. Here is a little bit of background on the AP Potential research study - To view data from the 2006 correlation study, open Expectancy Tables from the AP Potential menu on the left. There you can see, for each of the 24 different AP courses, the number of students in the sample size and the individual PSAT score or score combination that correlates to the probabilities of success (in increments of 10%). In Biology, the preferred score combination is academic preparation in Critical Reading and Math. Thus, a student who scored a combined Critical Reading and Math score of 114 has a 60% probability of earning a 3 or better on the AP Biology Exam.
AP Potential Select PSAT/NMSQT Administration Year Step 1 of 4 Select the PSAT/NMSQT administration year for which you’d like to generate a roster. The Expectancy Tables provide an understanding about how AP Potential works. Now, let’s follow each step. Step 1: Select the administration year for which you’d like to generate rosters. You can select data from 2011, 2012, or 2013.
AP Potential Select PSAT/NMSQT Administration Year There’s an optional shortcut You can “fill seats in your existing AP classes” by clicking the green button on the left. OR... You can “identify new AP courses” by clicking the green button on the right. Step 2: Select which option you would prefer. You can generate a student roster manually or have the roster generated automatically for you. This happens when you choose one of the green boxes either to the right or left.
AP Potential Select Subjects Step 2 of 4 If you chose to generate your roster manually, you’ll continue onto Step 2: Select the AP courses you’d like to identify students for. If you want to generate a roster manually, please select your AP subject areas. Some educators start by looking for potential students course by course for the AP courses their schools offer. You can also look at AP courses their schools do not offer but may consider adding to the curriculum if there’s a critical mass of students who possess the academic skills for those courses.
AP Potential Select Pool Step 3 of 4 Choose a grade level and define your pool. Step 3 is to choose a grade level and define the pool. If you choose “All Grades,” you generate a roster of every student who tested in that administration year. If you are missing a student in a given grade, check in “All Grades.” It is possible that the student failed to enter a grade on his or her answer sheet. A pool reflects the probability of students receiving an AP Exam grade of 3, 4, or 5. For example, if you set your pool at 60, your roster will include all students whose probability of receiving an AP Exam grade of 3, 4, or 5 is anywhere between 60% and 100%. You may adjust the percentages to increase or decrease the number of students included on your roster of potential AP students. You may select a different percentage for each AP subject. Two important considerations: First, there is a default percentage for each course. Because the pool is a sliding scale, the default is simply a place to begin – a percentage which you can increase or decrease. The default percentage is not a percentage recommended by the College Board. It is nothing more than a place to begin. Second, AP Potential was created to facilitate opening access to AP courses – particularly to those students who for whatever reason have been traditionally underrepresented. Setting a pool at a lower percentage casts a wider net in looking for students who might be ready for more academic rigor and helps to begin conversations with students who never saw themselves in an AP class.
AP Potential Student Roster Step 4 of 4 Read the instructions for using the roster and see your list of students at the bottom of the screen. Step 4 which is the Student Roster reveals a page with many options for viewing and sorting your data. The initial roster will have all students who tested. The “Y” beside the name indicated the student is in the pool you defined. Clicking on a student name will allow you to view student details. Clicking on the subject or course name will allow you to view the student list for that subject.
AP Potential Subject Detail & Student Detail Additional details available A roster of students in a specific subject A list of courses for individual students The subject detail page can be sorted 4 different ways: by student name; by correlations and student scores; by ethnicity; and/or by gender. You may again, click on any student name on the roster to reveal individual student detail. Please be mindful of this caution: “Results represent probabilities, not absolutes. User should not use this product as a means to exclude students from courses.” The College Board also recommends that AP Potential never be used as the sole consideration for AP course placement.
AP Potential Tips AP Potential Tips Export data into an Excel spreadsheet to make it easy to read and use. TIP Create letters to parents. AP Potential provides sample letters in English and Spanish. There are additional resources on the Step 4 page. First, you can export the roster data onto an EXCEL spreadsheet to make the information easy to read and to use. You can delete columns that you think are unnecessary or ad ones to personalize the data to your school. Second, there is a sample letter which you can use to inform parents about their students potential for success in AP classes. The sample letter is available in English or Spanish. You may, of course, personalize the tone and the details of your letter. AP Potential is a valuable resource in opening options for students and helping them better connect the choices they are making today with their plans and hopes for the future.
PSAT Results: AP Potential For Students
PSAT/NMSQT®: Score Report Plus Scores and percentiles Information about performance on every test question Information about academic skills Student access code for My College QuickStart™ Self-reported college major AP Potential information After the test, two copies of the score report—one for the student and one for the school—are provided for every student who takes the PSAT/NMSQT. The Score Report Plus provides valuable information about a student’s performance on every question, information about skills, and much more.
PSAT/NMSQT: AP Potential for Students AP feedback was added to My College QuickStart™ in 2012 Feedback is based on PSAT/NMSQT section scores Level of potential for each subject can be viewed in My College QuickStart Launched last December, the My AP Potential section of My College QuickStart provided students feedback on their potential for success in 20+ AP courses based on their PSAT/NMSQT section scores. NEW this year: students will see a message relating to their AP potential in the Next Steps section of their score report. Students with potential in at least one course (based on their section scores) will be directed to My College QuickStart for specific feedback. Students whose scores show that they might not yet be ready for AP will be advised to talk to you, their school counselors, to learn more about what they can do to prepare for AP.
PSAT/NMSQT: AP Potential for Students
PSAT/NMSQT: AP Potential for Students The shading of the steps icons illustrates level of potential Choosing a major puts a checkmark in the Matches Major column next to appropriate courses This column tells a student if this course is likely offered at their school Let’s take a look at how this will work: When they log in, students will see their level of potential for each course, as well as which AP courses relate to college majors that interest them. The report also shows them which courses were offered at your school the previous year (based on AP Exams offered). The levels of potential are defined as: Potential = 60% or greater likelihood to score a 3 or higher on the AP Exam Some Potential = 40-59% likelihood to score a 3 or higher on the AP Exam Potential Not Yet Indicated = less than 39% likelihood to score a 3 or higher on the AP Exam After viewing this information for themselves, students may find that they have potential in AP courses that they hadn’t yet considered, or realize what sorts of courses could help them on their way to achieving their career goals. Please note: AP potential feedback is not available for 8th grade and younger students. Feedback for 9th graders will only provided for AP European History and AP World History (this is a change; AP European History replaces AP US History) Look for courses where they have “potential”, it matches their major, and it’s offered at their school
Student Website AP® Student Home Page Explore AP AP Courses Taking the Exam AP Scores Credit & Placement Last year we shared the new student website with you. We hope you have it book-marked on your computer as well and share it with your students. The word about this sited definitely did get out. The practice exam questions garnered incredible interest with 2,084,943 unique visitors to the Exam Practice pages across all subjects last year For the 2013 Practice Exam questions alone there were over ½ million page views. So students are certainly utilizing this feature. Top 5 downloaded subjects: Calculus AB (332,812) Physics B (231,131) English Lit (173,394) USH (145,754) English Lang (138,943)
Join the AP® Coordinator Community Get ideas or quick answers from other AP Coordinators Find collaborators Share concerns and suggestions How many of you serve in the role of AP coordinator? Congratulations and thank you! We hope you are all part of the AP Coordinator Online Community. Moderated by AP Coordinator Derek Kameda, is an essential tool for AP Coordinators to find information about planning and administering AP Exams, ask questions of their peers, and discover time-saving tips and best practices. Past postings included questions about world language exams and exams with extended time, online score reports, and online classes. .
Support for Your Teachers: AP teacher community Online communities supporting all AP subjects, AP Coordinators, Equity and Access, and Professional Development Consultants Key improvement: discussion board reply by email Continue discussion threads through personal email without the need to log in to the community Over 85,000 members Over 2,600 member-shared resources across 30 communities For all your AP teachers, and certainly any of your teachers in these subjects, this is a wonderful resource. And how many of you know you have a new AP teacher on your campus this year? Sharing this site with them will provide them with instant support, particularly if they are the only teacher of that course. If an AP teacher needs sample lesson plans, wants to know how fellow teachers feel about a new textbook, or needs advice on teaching a particular concept, chances are they can find what they’re looking for on the online teacher community. The AP Online Communities have over 85,000 members and support all AP subjects, AP Coordinators, Equity and Access and Professional Development consultants. The Communities let users browse threaded discussions organized by topic and now, due to a key improvement, you can continue your discussion thread through personal email without having to log in to the community. Tip: You may want to copy this slide and the AdvcancesinAP slide and slip these in their mailbox, or send them the link to the 2 sites.
Support for Your Teachers: Advances in AP The website Advances in AP provides detailed information and resources for all courses currently undergoing revisions, including: Curriculum Frameworks Course and Exam Descriptions Key Changes PDFs FAQs Course Planning and Pacing Guides AP Course Audit Information Professional Development Offerings One of your many roles does include supporting your teachers, and especially your new teachers or teachers teaching new courses. You can support you teachers of redesigned course by checking to see that they have bookmarked the Advances in AP website. Here is where you can receive 2-year heads up about the courses currently undergoing revision and provide a solid set of teacher support materials including *AP Course Audit Information – including sample syllabi and a practice exam. *Professional development offerings – relevant workshops and Summer Institutes will begin focusing exclusively on the new courses and exams in 2014-15. Now that these redesigned courses are about to launch, information about Physics and U.S. History has moved to their permanent home on the Course Home Pages on AP Central.
Support for You: Resources on ShareAP AP Professional Toolkit Includes resources for professionals to support their outreach efforts: Brochures for parents and students PowerPoint presentations for parents and students Tips on creating successful AP informational events Posters All resources are available on the “ShareAP” website Last year we highlighted ShareAP for you and want to be sure you and your administrators take advantage of the AP Toolkit located there. As well as the AP YouTube Channel with videos of featuring AP students and teachers that can be used in presentations to students, parents, colleagues, and the community. Has anyone seen on of the videos that you think is exceptionally good?
Step 2 Guide Students to AP® Credit Policy Information A limited “at-a-glance search” is available for students on the AP website – but this does not take the place of college websites! It is essential that students understand the AP credit policies of the colleges to which they have applied before making their enrollment decisions. You can help students and families incorporate the cost-savings represented by AP achievement into their college research. The AP student website provides a snapshot of college AP policies, listing exams for which colleges will grant credit and /or placement. The site also includes a section called “How to Earn Credit for Your Scores” that navigates students through the score sending process. However, the best resource for an up-to-date credit policy is the college’s own website. The AP student website provides a link directly to the AP policy on each college’s website. Students can also enter the term “Advanced Placement Credit” into the search on the college’s homepage to find a detailed description of the guidelines for earning credit through AP. Colleges may have restrictions and additional requirements that students must meet before earning credit for successful AP Exam scores. We encourage students to read the fine print in order to determine whether or not they can benefit from their AP achievement at a particular college. Here’s a sample of various credit policies at a wide range of institutions – public flagships, small liberal arts colleges, private research universities – from across the country. AP credit policies are separate and distinct from the ADMISSION policies of these colleges. To earn admission at one of these institutions is another process entirely. Students will be acknowledged in the admissions process for taking the more rigorous courses available to them, which are frequently Advanced Placement courses.
Step 3 Advise Students to Carefully Review all AP® Policies Some schools: give credit only for certain AP Exams accept scores of 3 for all AP Exams accept only scores of 4 or 5 offer different amounts of credit for scores of 3, 4, or 5 do not accept AP for courses in the major accept AP, but only up to a maximum # of credits accept AP but only if the student registers for a more advanced course in the same subject area Here’s some of the information students should look for when reviewing an institution’s AP credit policy: 1) which exams earn credit 2) which scores earn credit 3) whether students will be placed directly into an intermediate course if a successful score is earned 4) whether credit counts within or outside students’ intended majors and 5) if there is a cap on the total amount of AP credit students can earn. Policies range widely so remind your students to read the fine print and call the higher education institution if they have questions.