Jill Branch ITC 525 Summer 2011
Table of Contents O Important State Facts Important State Facts O Branches of the State Government Branches of the State Government O State Symbols State Symbols O Credits & Standards CreditsStandards Any time you’d like to return to this page, please click the “home” buttons!
Important Facts Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn, and therefore named “Penn’s Woods” to honor his father. Pennsylvania is nicknamed “The Keystone State” because it was located in the center of the original 13 colonies.
William Penn Keystone Click on my picture to watch a video and find out more about the founding of Pennsylvania ! Click on the Keystone to find out more!
More Important Facts The state’s Capitol is located in the city of Harrisburg. Harrisburg Like the United States of America, Pennsylvania has 3 branches of government. Pennsylvania’s government is also defined by a constitution. Click the picture of the constitution to find out more!
Let’s see what you know.. If this is a picture of the Capitol building, what city is this? A.PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia B.PittsburghPittsburgh C.HarrisburgHarrisburg D.HersheyHershey
Try Again! You did not correctly answer the capitol city. Go back to the Important State Facts page to review your information and try again!
Correct! Harrisburg is the capitol city of Pennsylvania.
Branches of the Government The Executive Branch The Legislative Branch The Judicial Branch O Pennsylvania’s Government is broken into 3 branches. They are:
The Executive Branch This branch oversees commonwealth laws and is lead by the Governor. Pennsylvania’s current Governor is Tom Corbett.Tom Corbett He has a Lieutenant Governor named Jim Cawley who helps him.
The Legislative Branch This branch makes commonwealth laws, a responsibility that is carried out by the General Assembly. The General Assembly has two main parts: The House of Representatives and the Senate.The House of Representatives Senate
House of Representatives Click here to find out more facts!
Senate Click here to find out more Senate facts!
The Judicial Branch This branch preserves the rule of law and guarantees citizens’ rights. This branch is responsible by solving any disputes of the law in the courts. Seven justices make up the court, and the longest-serving member is named the chief justice. The justices hold 10 year terms.
Let’s see what you know.. Which branch of the state government contains the General Assembly? A.LegislativeLegislative B.JudicialJudicial C.ExecutiveExecutive D.DemocraticDemocratic
Correct! The Legislative Branch contains the General Assembly. Which two parts make up the General Assembly? A. The justices and chief justice The justices and chief justice B. The House of Representatives and Senate The House of Representatives and Senate C. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor The Governor and Lieutenant Governor
Try Again! You did not correctly choose which branch of the government contains the General Assembly. You may go back to review the three branches if you’d like.
Correct! The General Assembly is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Try Again! You did not correctly choose the two parts which make up the General Assembly. You may go back to review if you’d like!
State Symbols O Flower: Mountain Laurel O Tree: Hemlock O Bird: Ruffed Grouse
More State Symbols O Dog: Great Dane O Mammal: White- tailed Deer O Insect: Firefly
State Flag The flag has a deep blue background and two harnessed draft horses surrounding a shield in the center. The shield pictures a ship, a plow, and three sheaves of wheat. Above the shield is a bald eagle, and below it are a stalk of corn, an olive branch, and a draped red ribbon. The ribbon reads “Virtue, Liberty, and Independence.”
The State Seal The State Seal is very similar to the center of the State Flag. The shield in the middle is identical, as well as the bald eagle, and the olive branch. On the bottom-left there is also a stalk of Indian corn. Click on the seal to find out more!
Questions to Think About.. (They may be important in upcoming days.. Hint, hint) Why were these things chosen for the flag and seal? If you had to choose symbols to represent YOU, what would you choose?
Credits O Important State Facts O City of Harrisburg Retrieved on June 1, O Government in Pennsylvania Retrieved on June 1, O Keystone State Retrieved on June 1, O William Penn “Interview” Retrieved on June 1, O Branches of Government O Our House: PA’s Visitor’s Guide to the House of Representatives Retrieved on June 1, O Pennsylvania Office of the Governor, Tom Corbett Retrieved on June 1, O Senate of Pennsylvania Retrieved on June 1, O The Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania Retrieved on June 1,
Credits Continued O State Symbols O The Great Seal of Pennsylvania Retrieved on June 1, O Pennsylvania Retrieved on June 1, O Pennsylvania: Facts, Maps, and State Symbols Retrieved on June 1, O Pictures/Images O Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Election Information (map of counties) Retrieved on June 1, O All others found through Google.com
Standards Addressed O PDE: O C Explain the principles and ideals shaping local and state government. O D Identify key ideas about the government found in specific documents (e.g. PA Constitution) O F Identify state symbols. O ISTE NETS: O 1. Creativity & Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop processes/products using technology. O 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.