Chicago Yacht Club Race Committee Saturday, April 5, 2014
Agenda Introductions CYC RC Overview Updates, plans for 2014 Safety Educational Sessions- break out Share what we Learned Wrap Up Exercise April 5, 2014
Introductions State your name Tell us one thing that you’d like us to know about you There will be a chance to share more later. April 5, 2014
Getting to know you Stand up if… April 5, 2014
2014 Steering Committee Janet Baxter Jill Danly Helle Getz Karen Kinsey Rick Lillie Lynn Lynch TBD Race Coordinator: Sean Ellis April 5, 2014
Professional Staff Dwight Jensen, General Manager Jill Dedinsky, Belmont Manager & Chef Chuck Nevel, Keelboat Director Scott Souders, Marine Superintendent Bobby Collins, Sailing School Director Flag Officer: Leif Sigmund, Rear Commodore April 5, 2014
Chicago Yacht Club Founded in 1875 to encourage and promote the sport of yachting, yacht building, and to conduct world class sailing competitions and yachting activities. 2 stations: Belmont, Monroe April 5, 2014
Chicago Area CYC runs races for boats from all Chicago Harbors and all clubs Share resources for large events CYC’s Race Committee is the largest with the most resources. We run the most events April 5, 2014
US Sailing Represents US sailors to the international federation, ISAF Selects & Trains US Olympic and Paralympic Sailors Members of US Sailing are: Clubs & Community Sailing Programs Class Associations Individuals April 5, 2014
US Sailing Certification Programs for Sailors Race Officers Judges and Umpires Other Officials Produces standard texts and guidelines April 5, 2014
International Sailing Federation (ISAF) Publishes the Racing Rules of Sailing Certifies International Officials Runs the Sailing Events at the Olympic and Paralympic Games Runs the Sailing World Cup April 5, 2014
Janet’s Mission as RC Chair To provide safe, fair and fun competition for CYC members and their guests, and in so doing, to retain and attract members. April 5, 2014
What is “One Design?” All the boats are of one design AND are maintained to keep them all the same Each One Design Class has a unique set of rules that govern this. Usually the rules are managed on the Honor System. April 5, 2014
CYC’s Race to Mackinac 300 plus boats 333 miles long, about 3 days RC needed for starts and the island April 5, 2014
Kinds of Racing at CYC Frostbite (dinghies) Beercan Racing Yachts Fleet (RYF) Offshore –distance or buoys One Design Offshore One Design Championships High School or College Events Disabled Sailors April 5, 2014
CYC Website April 5, 2014
IF YOU ARE NEW April 5, 2014
Wind Everything in a sailboat race is about the wind Figure out where it’s from Notice when it is changing. April 5, 2014
To Add Value to Your Team Be Dependable Stay Flexible Learn Pay Attention Anticipate Changes Enjoy yourself April 5, 2014
Learn 1.Flags and Sounds 2.Mark Setting 3.Wind 4.Line calling 5.Timing 6.Recording 7.Radio Procedures 8.Scoring 9.Navigation and GPS 10.Rules and Procedures April 5, 2014
Eventually? Boat Operator Race Officer Judge Regatta Chair April 5, 2014
Typical Day (but each one is unique) 1.Sign up to help- use the website 2.Arrive on time (usually around 8:30) 3.Check in at the RC Room downstairs 4.Attend the morning meeting and confirm your assignment 5.Spend the day on the water 6.Stow equipment, complete scoring 7.Debrief at the bar April 5, 2014
Ask for Help Website: Sean Ellis, Race Coordinator Janet Baxter, Race Committee Chair April 5, 2014
RC Update Saturday, April 5, 2014
Staff and Volunteer Changes Lynn Lynch, moving St. Francis Yacht Club San Francisco Volunteers? April 5, 2014
On the Water: Miami April 5, 2014
On the Water: Miami April 5, 2014
On the Water: Miami Virginia Long Sail Training Service & Support Award to honor individuals who, through their efforts, unselfishly assist and enable a sailing program or sailing instruction in a supportive role. Recipients of this award are those whose outstanding efforts enable and support excellence and safety in sailing instruction and/or programs, but do not necessarily teach themselves. ….who provide the background support to help establish, sustain, or improve sailing education programs and instruction in the United States. April 5, 2014
On the Water April 5, 2014
On the Water April 5, 2014
Steering Committee Actions Figured out the Schedule ALL are on the CYC calendar Renamed PRO to PRCC Created Sub Committees Approved 2014 Policies April 5, 214 April 5, 2014
Key Dates NOOD: June 6, 7, 8 Mac Starts: July 18, 19 NACC: Aug 1-4 T-10 NAC and Offshore Verve: Aug 6-10 Inshore Verve: Aug Midwest Optimist Champ: Sept 5-7 Sheldon Clark: Sept. 13 Etchells North Americans: Sept Appreciation Dinner: Nov. 22 April 5, 2014
New for 2014 Primary Race Committee Contact Each Event or Series One person for each event Sub-Committees Race Documents Social Policies Training Recruiting Communications April 5, 2014
Primary Race Committee Contact Be the Contact with the OA Write or Coordinate the Race Doc’s Manage race committee activities Recruit volunteers Weather Consistency from race to race Amend Race Doc’s Verify scoring - correct and timely Post amendments, verify scoring, etc. April 5, 2014
Race Documents for 2014 We are way behind! We are working on it Goal: NOR published and SIs drafted 90 days before the event Spring events are done Late on almost all through July New Chair: Joanne Guennewig April 5, 2014
Social Parties Tonight! Mid Summer 7/16 Appreciation Dinner 11/22 Others? Advise Steering Committee on social matters Chair: Helle Getz April 5, 2014
Policies- revisited each for 2014 Uniforms, apparel Days Assignments Conduct Contact List Rewards & Recognition Chair: Helle Getz April 5, 2014
Training Figure out who needs what training Provide materials Present at RC meetings Modules for the Refresher Advise Steering Committee on training matters Chair: Janet Baxter April 5, 2014
Recruiting Members, Racers and other Sailors, Juniors, etc. Work with Communications & Steering Committees Chair: Rick Lillie April 5, 2014
Communications Website content Messages to RC Blinker Articles Other Outreach Chair: Karen Kinsey April 5, 2014
Documents Revisit All Documents from 2013 Update as needed Chair: Jill Danly April 5, 2014
Zero Tolerance The RC will protest boats that break Rule IDENTIFICATION ON SAILS A boat shall comply with the requirements of Appendix G governing class insignia, national letters and numbers on sails. April 5, 2014
Also, in case you are wondering We have not ordered Blue Star awards Blog is dormant April 5, 2014
Volunteering Volunteer- up to 139 points Member – 140 points and up Charging Privileges – 190 point and up April 5, 2014
The Points Frostbite – am or pm 7 points all day – 10 points Offshore, RYF, Regattas- 10 points Beercan- 7 points Land and other- 5 to 10 points,\ depending on hours Meetings- 5 points Refresher-10 points April 5, 2014
Safety Chain of Command First “responder” Assess −React PRO is lead in all situations except for a imminent life threatening situation April 5, 2014
Safety Safety Assets on the Water Carrier – AED, oxygen, first aid kit, bolt cutters, tools Vannena, Argo, Mac, Latham – first aid kit, bolt cutters, tools Kay Baxter – first aid, tools April 5, 2014