C2 Chapter 11 Integration Dr J Frost Last modified: 17 th October 2013
Recap ? ? ? ? ?
Definite Integration We could add together the area of individual strips, which we want to make as thin as possible…
Definite Integration
Reflecting on above, do you think the following definite integrals would be positive or negative or 0? + 0 + 0 +0
Evaluating Definite Integrals We use square brackets to say that we’ve integrated the function, but we’re yet to involve the limits 1 and 2. Then we find the difference when we sub in our limits. ? ? ?
Evaluating Definite Integrals ? ? Bro Tip: Be careful with your negatives, and use bracketing to avoid errors.
Exercise 11B a c e ? ? ? ? ? ?
Harder Examples Sketch: (Hint: factorise!) ? ? ?
Harder Examples -3 1 The SketchThe number crunching ??
Exercise 11C ? ? ? ? ?
Curves bound between two lines
How could we use a similar principle if we were looking for the area bound between two lines? ? therefore area… ?
Curves bound between two lines Bro Tip: We’ll need to find the points at which they intersect. ?
Curves bound between two lines Edexcel C2 May 2013 (Retracted) ? ?
y = x(x-3) y = 2x AB C More complex areas Bro Tip: Sometimes we can subtract areas from others. e.g. Here we could start with the area of the triangle OBC. ?
Exercise 11D ? ? ? ?
(Probably more difficult than you’d see in an exam paper, but you never know…) Q6 7 7 ?
y1y1 y2y2 y3y3 y4y4 hhh Trapezium Rule Instead of infinitely thin rectangular strips, we might use trapeziums to approximate the area under the curve. What is the area here? ?
Trapezium Rule In general: width of each trapezium Area under curve is approximately x y ? Example ?
? ? Trapezium Rule May 2013 (Retracted)
To add: When do we underestimate and overestimate?