Warm-up #13 How did warriors move up in rank in the Aztec society? How were flower wars unique from a traditional war?
Engineering an Empire Today we are going to learn about Aztec achievements in engineering. As we watch the video, answer you video questions. Keep a list of Aztec achievements that impressed you are we watch the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbgVl5vYpJk Stop video at 29 minutes.
Homework Chapter 15.2 Assessment Questions. Read chapter 15.2 in your textbook. Copy questions 1a, 2a, 2b, & 3a and answer in complete sentences on page 33 of your notebook. Tomorrow is a project workday so bring your GRAPES paper and any materials you’d like to use to work on your project. If you have digital work, bring it on a flash drive. Everyone must have something productive to work on.
Warm-up #14 1) What about Aztec engineering was the most impressive to you and why? 2) Why might Tenochtitlan be a good city to live in? Explain your answer.
Chapter 15.2 Assessment Questions 1a. How was it decided when the Aztecs should plant crops or hold ceremonies? Answer – These decisions were made according to the Aztec calendar. 2a. What did the Aztecs feed their gods? Answer: The Aztecs feed their gods blood.
Chapter 15.2 Assessment Questions 2b Why did the Aztecs think human sacrifice was important? Answer – They believed it would keep their gods strong and save the world from destruction; the sun would no longer rise without sacrifice. 3. What might you find in an Aztec codex? Answer: You would find records and stories from Aztec history.
Worktime Study Guide Due Sept 24th GRAPES Project Due Sept 26th Finish graphic organizer to plan Write your paragraphs for each topic. Construct your project (if needed ask for paper) Review requirements (see rubric)
Grapes Flipbook Choose a culture: Aztec or Maya 40 points, Due Sept 26th GRAPES Flipbook: Each section will have a title, picture, and sentence long descriptions. Typed or in ink. Digital pictures must have a citation. Geography – describe the region and adoptions Religion – beliefs and creation story. Accomplishments - name and describe the five most important accomplishments of this civilization (opinion). Politics – who ruled, what responsibilities did they have, how were they treated/seen? Economy – how and what goods did they trade. Social Structure – what were the social groups, describe their roles and power.
Citation Example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maize