Staff Updates Regional Technical Forum October 15, 2013
Proposed 2014 RTF Meeting Dates Wed. Jan 22 (Mon. is a holiday) Wed Feb 19 (Mon. is a holiday) Tues. March 18 Tues. April 22 Tues. May 13 Tues. June 17 Tues. July 15 Tues. August 12 Tues. September 16 Tues. October 14 Tues. November 18 Tues. December 16 Tried to organize around large known conferences (ACEEE, ASHRAE, AESP, CEE, BPA/NEEA, Esource, UEF, EPRI)
Utility Climate Zone Assignments The RTF has a utility climate zone assignment spreadsheet for public utilities. Should we try to add IOU’s? o Some serve multiple climate zones. Would RTF-reviewed assignments be useful?
Measures due to be deactivated in November w/o research plan ●Commercial ○Appliances - Dishwashers ○Appliances - Ice Makers ○DHW - Efficient Tanks ●Residential ○Heating/Cooling - PTCS Commissioning, Controls, & Sizing MH ○DHW - Drain Waste Heat Recovery ●Grocery ○Grocery - ECMs for Walk-ins ○Grocery - Lighting - CFLs ○Grocery - Lighting - T8s ●Agriculture ○Variable Frequency Drives - Dairy ○Variable Frequency Drives - Potato/Onion Shed Please fill out evaluation survey by 10/25/13
Small/Rural Subcommittee Update Met on September 18th Awarded contract for barn lights UES development to PECI Awarded contract for schools lighting UES measures to SBW o Both contracts underway Discussed MH decommissioning measure o Found to be important measure, but not likely to be taken up by utilities alone o Tabled development as workplan item Discussed future workplan items and requested additional funds for school Wx development this year o Operations subcommittee approved additional funding
Lighting Subcommittee Update Sent around updated protocol and presentation o Also posted to subcommittee page Subcommittee meeting scheduled for October 23rd, 9-11 Review protocol and presentation ahead of time and send Nick any comments Plan to agree on methodology and approach first, then discuss provisional elements o Ideally get a protocol approved in Q1 2014
CVR / VO Subcommittee Restarting A lot of good work done previously, but some big issues remain contentious; Subcommittee members for earlier effort are listed on the Automated CVR subcommittee page. o Josh or Nick if you’d like to be added to -- or subtracted from -- the
Update on Health Benefits of Displacing Wood Heat with Electric Heat (The Project) Since the last subcommittee meeting the following developments have been made: The Operations subcommittee instructed RTF Staff to draft a scope of work (SOW) for The Project. Based on feedback from the subcommittee meeting, Staff drafted a SOW to do a screening level analysis with COBRA. This SOW was sent to ABT to understand if they could complete The Project in under $25k (the council budget limit for sole- sourcing work). ABT responded that they could complete the SOW under $25k, provided council staff provide support to ABT on generation modeling by fuel type.
Wood Smoke: Next Steps Staff will recommend sole-sourcing the project to the Operations Committee. Pending direction from the Operations Committee this SOW will be released as a RFP or sole-sourced to ABT. Subcommittee should play an integral part in The Project. Staff will solicit input from Council Staff,and Generation and Conservation Advisory Committees on key input assumptions The SOW is intended to understand the magnitude of the effect (monetary value) of displaced wood smoke. The subcommittee will analyze the results of the screening study to understand the following: o The accuracy of the modeling procedure and results o Uncertainty in environmental and health modeling estimates o How these modeling uncertainties compare to the uncertainties accepted at the RTF energy savings calculations. o Recommendations on how results of The Project should be used.
LBL FLEXLAB Exterior Testbeds 5400 sf Opens January 2014 Lighting & Plug Load Testbed ~3000 sf Controls, Visual Comfort & Behavior Completed V irtual Design/Visualization TB ~600 sf Opens Fall 2013 Controls Hardware Testbed Controls Interoperability, Sensors Demand Response Integration ~500sf Opens Winter 2013